still need a skilled rifle

Well excuse me for reposting so early but we are still looking for a skilled (mid+) rifle player for our yet to be named team, currently consisting of:

Italy Val
Italy Sir
Italy Decade aka Chinaboh
Poland Palemki
Belgium Phil
Anonymous You ?

We'd prefer 18+ players with premier league experience; cheaters, former cheaters, and lunatics need not apply.

oh I forgot, you can msg me on crossfire or find me in #rbl if you are interested
Why would med+ skilled player want to play with such random medskillorz
they wouldn't, that's why they should choose to play with us instead
Well none of you are that skill, but whatever
What do you know about our skill? :(
Everything and little more
its the finnish power..
finally some known player who is complaining about that skillrating on cf.
pm Scotlandsean
GL phil <3
I would get in,in case I hadn't clan
gl phil <3
gl my Italy friends ^^

PhiL o/

GL, nice guys now that a randomcheater has been kicked out =D
me skilled!

gl raga xD
hey add me as backup u prick :D
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