Force:: Recruiting

Hello everyone,

We are a Dutch (as up to now) clan who play a lot of games together but ET is our favorite. We're searching for members who want to enforce our Clanbase team. We currently are participating in the 3vs3 european league. Our meeting point is Teamspeak and we also have a 16 slots warserver.

Your skill? Well..anything above low- will do :D

Please add me on xfire: gamernonstop

Cu around
Welcome to crossfire
gl gildortje :D
Welcome to crossfire
we should turn this around, you're the one registered for half an year, not him.
;~( i dont care just welcome to crossfire :D
Member For: 2 years, 3 months and 1 day
actually he dont need to hear "Welcome to crossfire" from pplz who are registered for maybe an half year oO

however, gl
pwnd by Russia e0h
nice xfire name
just for your information, med+ = low/+ on crossfire
gl searching !
yes...we know...but for us to get any higher we need some players who have better skills....that's why a applied for it.
Hmmm...many replies...we really are low skilled..just starting onCB..maybe one of you guys would be so nice to train us..without joining us. We could sure use some help.
GL 2 You

-> SPAAM for me x)
-> Flame for me x)
-> make me proude x)
dont play at gtv ur too low are right. Sorry for that performance. But If our opponant asks to be on ETTV we can't do anything about it can we? Sorry for being that low.
dont apologize , just buy some private hax like alexl did
Train at =DoE=ETpro
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