uL _Ambrosia delux!

Since everyone seems to be posting a cless topic, I decided to give it another go :D

About me
  • A skilled rifler / damage whore
  • Can compete against OC prem without problems
  • Active and stable
  • Dedicated to improve
  • no cheating history or whatsoever
  • can play SMG to but prefer not to

About you
  • Active team
  • Stable players and good teamplay
  • OC prem/2nd div skill
  • No cheaters or retards on the team

gl K a /2 /2 D e

Thanks in advance, contact me in #plixplax /q play2win|_Ambro
wtf ur posting this everyday ? every time i check xfire i see a post of you searching a clan :S
Aslong as it takes me to find a clan!
#clanless-et try it there then i dont see those freaking posts of you!
gl m8 :)
i guess one time is enough :D
Pushing rebel's post down is fun
I'm just joking, I wish you the best of luck in finding one :-)
gl Ambrosia
"Since everyone's doing it!"

no just 50% of the cless/recruitment topics here are your own
gl skilled guy :-)
gl dude hope u find one soon :)
post number 1514124 ? :)
17 since january
gl ambrosia.
gl good rifler
"Can compete against OC prem without problems"

Rofl not really.
ehm, I haven't actually played with or against u, so will u please keep your useless comments to yourself, thanks :]
Played several times against you. You weren't anything special. Maybe med- skilled. Maybe you had a bad day but you deffinetly aren't able to compete vc OC premier well.

Also the fact that I see a clanless post, then one week later I see another post that you've made a clan and then the next week your clanless again doesn't seem like you're a reliable guy.
Ive played against OC premier clans and highskilled mixxes over the past couple of days and I didn't have any / alot problems against them, I can't remember playing at you at any time. So you'd better keep your bullshit to yourself, thanks.
Ever heard of fakenames.
half of the oc prem teams are low+
Idd fif green low + max :DD
tbh you should show a little more patience if someone is not responding on irc. And perhaps you could try to highlight me so i notice someone pm'ing me ingame. You would have gotten a tryout, but after such behaviour i say no thank you. Goodluck tho, hope you will find a decent team.
I just said nevermind, rofl :D. I pm'd u, went downstairs, ate, took a long shit watched television, played 3 missions on gta4 and then came back. I just didn't feel like trialing anymore that evening :D, Thanks tho
E: Zeg dat is met een boze stem, klinkt grappig :D
Goodluck Ambrosia, nice rifle and skilled
lol maybe enough? :/
gl spammer
aka kazzu
aka prozz aka reactic aka warning @ nc
never going to find one

your clanhistory is hilarious :DDD
how do you choose the player to watch in yours ? the most skilled ?
The player that has the most skills (Except me ofc or else I would be PTW in all x) )
:D what ive thought
gud lak ambrosia :)))
GL but you don't want tard/cheater in your team whereas you have played with famousjuh.
:DD Skilled made me LOL
[dutch] geef het toch gewoon op jom [/dutch]
idd play mixes
yea play with nzz and you will get skilled
nice trying, but u can never beat ScaTmaN in his discipline !
u fucking suck
lol you're skill is for oc 3rd div or lower.
OC premier :D made me laugh (again)
Can compete against OC prem without problems?

I prefer to you, 2nd or even 3rd :X
#signum is your channel to go to... ambrossia

Signum is still searching for a skilled rifler since where not having a rifler and serious needs one.
ask streetfighter xd
ik sweap a af me meine usb stick!
gl :o)))

maybe u ask in some clans not the clans to join, helps ;)
LOL stable plz xD whahah
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