u call somewone a cheater?
If somewone is better then u, u call him a cheater then?
No, but i think it in my self,
ur opinnion?
No, but i think it in my self,
ur opinnion?
35.2 %
(19 votes)
64.8 %
(35 votes)
Cupper is the worst 1 xD
fuckers ...
Profile link please.
I quoted only a more interested ones :P
sometimes Im thinking of someone that he is a cheater, but then I realise that I've got called "haxor, cheater etc" multiple times :P If there's no solid proofs there's no point in calling someone a chater imo
ofc you can make a mistake and defend a real cheater (like I did in gnajda's case), it's kinda hard to judge in nowadays world of ET
a guy who is calling everyone "cheaters" saying Im nerd? pls
sometimes it's fun that people call me a cheater, but Im not proud of it. it's getting annoying because of people like you.
Guess you are pretty proud of it, you wouldnt be quoting them then. retard.
Then i call the player who killed me cheater :OOOO
First I flame him ingame.
I make him pissed.
Then I egoquit/Or I get kicked ingame
Then I search for his name on mIRC
And start flaming him there
After that he makes a Journal about me