Searching for Gaming or Sponsor

Me and my team haste:
is looking for a multigaming or sponsor at Enemy Territory. We have played together since 2007 , our last gaming was trueteam ,which is now unactive . We are participating in Clanbase ladders and playing oneday cups.

If u are interested in us then contact with me at quakenet #haste or pm me here.
Good luck!

image: 517360225
duck hunter :OOOOOOOOooooo
Whats a gaming?
Enemy Territory Stopwatch 2on2 (points: 948)
Enemy Territory Stopwatch 3on3 (points: 951)
Enemy Territory Stopwatch 6on6 (points: 1.000)

ehm, i was interested till i saw this xD

made my day :P

good luck!
Please help us :/
u dont have to u look at these, becose we started all over again and we are practising , and as u see there are only 2on2 and 3on3 matches, but we are 6on6 clan.
nice mix yesterday :D

bunch of whiners and wannabe's...still good luck!
shit, you !
i take my words back ! i promise !
Sponsors dosen't even care about you if you don't have skill to show them. Usually only the best of the best might get the sponsorship deal. In your situation my advice is to find a multigaming team and join them.
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