Clantag or Gameskills!?

i've tryed to make a few clans & scrimm teams

they all failed, because:

the most pplz are crying about the clan tag, and not concentrated on there gameplay

i want you're guys opinion, about this

is a clantag that important, (it's just a tag so pplz can see where you're at, and it's just a part of a team)

My opinion (fvck the tag it's all about the gaming skills, and having funn in the game!)
god no! tag is super important..
get mature players
it's serious business
tag > skills
i joined my first team coz our tag owned
in fucking deed
[SMP] suck my ping i joined them because the tag > skill
lol i remember smp's publics
they were amazing! :)
wasn't SMP one of the best trickjumping clans in ET?
well SMP & 999 TJ were together as one.

I was in SMP fragging clan, and i was also in 999 Tj clan

But yeah basically the same thing :)
Tags are overrated... just watch some ettv matches and check the tags of the pro-teams... most of them look like shit + some of the teams change their tags more often than their underpants...

If your team dont want to stick to 1 tag, get like 2 or 3 different tags (tag*nick, nick @ tag, or whatever... just some variations) so everybody will be happy...^^
Progamers are overrated , too ?
Atleast some of, yes :p
you should reply
plz tell me you are a fakeaccount
Its just looking nice with tag :)
yours tags must of been damn awful to make people only think about them :$
ppl play in clans to wear cool tags, you know..
its psychical war :D if the opponent team got a pro tag and your brain said somethink like wtf pros we will loose but in 98% the team is low+ and u owning them hard xD

ok no jokes tags are overrated
^6</3 ^7nick was the bestest tag ever <3
idd, the heartbreakers tag was good. keep a tag simple. its less for some people to make a mess of. ive seen some really bad tags around, but at the end of the day, a tag doesnt make your headshot ratio go up? or have i missed something?
<-s3->Name ftw:p
A Challenger Appears

It is fucking stupd not to use your tag if you are searching CLANSONLY. In case you don't have tag we think you are mixed and disconnect, I can't see any problem, because it is boring to play against mixes
so, let me get this right. all your attempts at clans failed, all because the tag was shit? seriously? tbh, stop recruiting fucking inbred 10 year olds then....

CHANGE THE TAG is easier than recruiting. i take it your like "this is our tag, dont like it? leave?" . how bad could it possibly be? there must be more to this retardation than youre telling us....
hit the reply
reply that shit mofo
teams i play in have to wear good tags because my name is in the right side of console for the full game
TAG > all
TAG > all
TAG > all
TAG = big e penis
tag is everything
TAG > all
playing with tag vs. good teams is bestest! vs newbs it doesnt really matter
ask Netherlandstrixor. He is the master of the tags
learn to reply
haha I know what you're talking about, in Finland Plain we had to change tag for every two weeks because someone whined about it
i think you getting bigger ego with sexy tags :D
ppl get scared away by my HARDCORE.JP tag
cuz Japanese people are fucked up people :>
reply is win
if someone doesnt like the tag, kick them. Even if they are good, fuck them. ET is not about killing, winning or having fun, it's about looking cool infront of e-friends and a tag proves that. So if you don't like it gtfo. ET is about TAGS not war. Thought people could have seen this by now...
Skill? Totally unimportant... Aslong as your name rocks.
I heard there is a reply button
TAG > all
As long as the clan name isn't something really retarded I wouldn't care too much about it.
give only a rooster for the tag and everyone can do his own and gameplay is much more important
you look like a highskiller to me.
nah i'm not i'm kinda (low) ^^

(. \Y/ .)
I can't find the reply button ? :)
you mean reply?
there's a reply button
haven't noticed yet, thnkx annyways

are there anny original replies?

like how big you're ego is after you placed a (not-original ass coment?)
My ego is as great as your english skillz m8 ;)
idc about my english

annyways if that's you're problem, than you should become a teacher in english

This ain't school stuff head!
that makes no sense!
tag means = today all go

so, i would take players in my clan / scrimm team, who dont care about this shitty clantag x)
i like tags like -=[TAG]=- nick there are oldsqool but ncie , also white nicks are cool
i never really wear tags exept in offis
Nice tags are nice, nothing more then that. But if you triple ding a nice tag it gives you a better feeling then triple ding a shitty looking tag.

I guess it does make difference in way. It's all about mental warfare >:D
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