my tj trickjump movie ( serious editing needed)

i made a trickjump movie
but im not good at editing

see the movie and see if you can do something with my tj skill
ty for watching
and plz help me !! :)
Please make it darker.
help you? i don't understand how, ;o
VW GOLF IV R32 > *
it's ugly but fast,i have to admit that. but i don't have that kind of money so i just stick on my eclipse. :)
it not ugly :~<.... How much did you pay for your eclipse?
10 000€
we have to pay about 2x the price what it costs in german because of the high taxes we have here. (ecplise on german is the same as lada in america i guess :P)

my brother bought golf IV GTI for 6000€ :D
exactly, R32 2008 costs 49 900€ here. :D give me his year model from that GTI,i'm curious,i want to check how much it's in here.
he bought 2nd hand!
I think its nice and I like to watch that

(says a guy who dont even know how to strafejump properly)
Not very hard jumps but fun to watch

I dont know the map with the church though, so i don't know about those.
it's warbell not a cb map but there's allot of new jumpz on it
oasis & fueldump v2

maybey come tj with me sometimes? i really need some1 to do them with :X check out my tj pics @ my profile.
i enjoyed it :) nice jumps :P
is this your trickjump trickjump movie?
1st. the music was already used in skybrekers. still watching :-)

edit: few of the jumps were really nice but rest were just really old stuff..
i liked it, was fast-paced etc. but too obvious reverse at the end of the movie alert.
tbh 1 of the best trickjump movies (fuck those lowbirds cf ego tjers)
Make it with better quality!
nice jumps in warbel (i guess :s). i liked it!
Kampoe, wanneer ga je nu eens een leven krijge?!
maar wel paar schoontjes bij, groete aan die lekkere
teef van een ma van je <3
No hupo's comments yet so...

Why the fuck make a movie with old, already known jumps. Stealing jumps from others' movies or maps doesn't make you good.
awful music, nice jumps tho
mediocre, at least it's not another gammajump video
nice jumpz d00d
i already watched it on, quite nice jumps some of which i haven't even known so far :)
One new trick, which was pretty nice(first jump). All the rest was copy/paste shit from other videos, or useless jumps from unknown maps. A tip how to make it look better: After jump don't start looking in the air like a fucking noob shouting "yay I did it". Madman does the same thing always, it looks very noobish and thus annoying. Also, have a little eye for actually good jump, there was only one good jump found by yourself on the movie. Makes me wonder if you really even found it yourself...

Also what Donitsi said.
i thought the other one from gold rush was new to :P
and the radar jumps my own to but if you say its old oke.
editing and quality was "ok", i really liked the jumps even thou they're old. good job :)
i also think the first jump was really nice :D the rest is maybe some copy/variation of old jumps but anyways, well done!
and i agree with least not an other gamma vid :p
i like it! :D
Do the same things on cb config:)
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