We should all be happy

Guys I think I have to admit that I'm addicted to Winterbells. This game is the best game ever, after ET of course. There is too much hatered in this world. This is the way we should all live. Jumping on bells, just like the bunny.

Guys here is the key to our new world:

This page has rankings:

image: bunny11
this is the day we have all been waiting for
thx 4 the info
Agree with you ^____^"
uber score 10890! :D
check djigis high score van de dag ;P
xd ik heb nu 40k :P :D maar zij n score is ziek xd
Djigi 397733410


i got 4k :D:D
thx 4 the info
Previous high score 62500, now score 55130 :{

Edit: 276030 :{
looking for winterbells clan :o
1122966500 =D
this is addictive
did you throw it from a 3rd floor window to test that theory? im betting it can....well, for a bit at least, then im pretty sure the landing is gonna fuck him uppppp :P
i rly can't play this game longer than 5 seconds
I played that like 3 hours aday for a week and never played it since my best something around 3 500 000
pleures loekino :P
cheater :P
If you can't get 1 billion you need to practice more.
i fucking hate this shitty game
i am srry sir snoop = nr1
my highest was 2315020180, :X
ok srry jij ( edit )
its... awesome! :D
2,9 quint tillion
Its funny, the guys who are always on top on flashgames like these are really to stupid to set a normal highscore :o)
Djigi i love u

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