Don Baker Cup Match Status

Just wanted to throw a small update to everyone on the status of the Don Baker Cup. mostly just having scheduling issues between NA & EU teams. I understand it's difficult & would just ask that teams from both sides do their best to try & accommodate each other.

United States of America Internet! vs Titanz Europe

From what I understand this match will be played this weekend

United States of America excel vs Slovenia

From what I understand they are attempting to set this one up for this weekend as well

United States of America flag Team Cross Breed vs 8B1ts / FiF Yellow flag Belgium

Communication seems to have broken down on this one from FIFy. Crossbreed just wants to play over a weekend when both teams can get their rosters on. Crossbreed settled for a time that didn't exactly suit them in the first round & wasn't able to field a full roster because of it. Please work out a time with them that suits both teams.

Europe 8bits Friends In Force Red

guys I'm still waiting on Fatgames. They informed me of their interest in the open spot. As of yet I have not seen the donation. If I dont see it by this weekend I guess I'll make up the $15 & give you a bye.

I apologize to those teams in waiting. We'll get the matches in. I have no problem with it taking a little time. I'd much rather see teams get a fair chance rather than force anything seeings that everyone did pay money to participate. Please I just ask that we all be patient.

I will be gone all weekend so if you need any assitance please contact eZe @ #evilterritory

Thank you
Good luck Cross Breed.

And anim is gonna rape mamuuuuut.
Im sure 8bits Friends In Force Red would pay $15 to get a bye :D
rofl I didn't think about that

jk I wouldn't do that, I'll eat it
gl titanz an zombie
gl to Crossbreed :D
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