hi friends

I am looking to play et now for a change. I played one war about 3 years ago and thought it was shit but i'm willing to give it a chance.

I was shit at RTCW so no doubt i'm shit at ET I dont know because I dont play often enough.

Can play 2-3 nights a week, i'd prefer to play as field ops but I dont mind what class, but not riflenader.

No Israel Tottenham fans please.

i'm the proper one.
demo :<

although I hear people still play it, thats hardcore ^_^
unlike osp :<
installed demo about 1.5 years ago for a laugh, the server had some stats thing and some guy started chatting me up because I had the most kills (and a girls name) it made me feel moist. :')
i like you
#idlee.ee and pm an op, they got a slot open for a fopz
too low for me, they need to prac a bit.

and you are sexy no?
i like tottenham fo sho!
I LOL'd!!!!!!!!!
No Tottenham fans please.

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