Hello people,

So decided to play ET again after a break and im searching for a 6on6 clan.

> Some basics about me:

> 16 years old, that doesen't make me mature, but I consider myself being mature enough.
> Estonian, fluent english
> Skill around med
> I enjoy playing Fieldops the most or smg eng.
> I consider myself good at comms (that means i talk alot of ingame stuff).
> My ET expirence is 4 years.
> Im avi every day, but since I go to school I go to sleep around 23.30 CET, so I'd say Im avi every day from 18.00-23.30, but on the weekends there's no timelimit.
> Former clans - / #glitz / #hyf / #pstarZ-gaming / #octense / #lectorz / #Vagrants / #goon-squad / For more info click here
> Some achievements also at my profile here
> I don't have any red triangels and i haven't used any hax in my life time.

Catch me at:
xfire: fierroz
or leave a pm on crossfire
good Luck
need Killerboy
glitz/FIERRO: pro
glitz/FIERRO: EC please
good luck :>
gl m8 :)
I played with this guy the other day and I didn't think for a second he was Estonian but what the hell

seems like a nice guy, good luck dude
you make it sound like its a bad thing :D
well I love estonians, but they usually have two or three give away signs: a) incorrect grammar b) caves c) mics that seem to output at under 10 decibels
gl mate

Nice one nolife
Take him, hes 50times more skilled than most people that say they are med+, even if he has taken a break from ET. <3
groupie ?
sup with cod4? ;p
EC experienced, remember that
gl fierro
geek detected !
gl mate!
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