Improving Skills @ ET

I guess some of you guys will have very funny answers to the question I'm about to ask but I'm going to ask it anyway. We've been playing ET for a long time now (with we I mean the people who are in my clan or community or whatever you wanna call it). We've started playing ET on clanbase since a few weeks and guess what: people are standing in line to watch us play so they can have a good laugh. It seems like our skills just won't improve. We are playing a lot on the Element server to improve our aiming but I guess it's all about tactics or a combination between tactics and skills. We also noticed that if we play wars with players who are med skilled we play a lot better.

Now...(some of you probably wonder where the stupid question will be it is)....what do you guys (girls) think is the best way to improve our skills? Some answeres are allready in my mind:
- you can stop playing ET
- you can start having a life

So if you have any suggestions please feel free to share them with me.
play different classes / positions
play in others clans for a while , if u play with the same people for a long time youre kinda "stuck" imo
watch ettv try to imitate people who are playing your position / class
get someone who got more experience to help and tell you what youre doing wrong
and playing on a public is just a waste of time if u do it to "improve" your aim , get a better mouse , try different settings on it untill you are satisfied
thanks for that quick answer. By pubs I think you mean servers like the element server. My gaming gear shouldn't be a problem I think:

Processor: Intel (R) Core (TM) 2CPU, 6420 @2.13 GHz (2 CPUs)
Memory: 3070MB Ram
Graphics: GeForce 8800 GT 512 MB
Mouse: G5
Keyboard: G11

Maybe I've got the wrong settings. I uploaded my config to my profile so anyone could see it. Maybe you have some remarks, feel free to share it with me.

I thought about asking someone to train us for a while but where can I find someone who would like to do that?

Thanx again!
its not always the config ;)

and im avi to show u some good tactics and tricks etc.

if u want
just pm me here on crossfire or /q dualinity @ quakenet and i can show some stuff :>
You see, there're enough fakers pros willing to help you. :D
I second that, though I cannot agree with what you stated concerning mouse settings. Mouse settings aren't really important. You may think that when you've just changed your sensitivity and you're rocking Cybergames for the first time again. But the most important thing is that you actually get used to your gaming environment, because you need to have a really stable aiming. It's kinda pointless to change your sensitivity every two weeks just because you've started sucking again.
So, don't become such a retard who spends his whole time and money on mouses, pads, skates and settings like me. D:

Ok, alright, now you're probably still not satisfied, gildor. So I'm gonna tell what I use:
Logitech G5 (first gen) / Razer Mantis Speed [ 800 DPI | Windows: 6/11 | ET: 1.8 ] which is equal to 26 cm for a 360° turn in ET.
And trust me, I've tried them all: All kinds of Razer stuff, the Steelseries Ikari, almost all Steelseries pads you can get + too many different mouse skates. Certainly, I won't say that this is the perfect combination for everybody, it's just mine. But I can tell you that basically, there're only three types of ET players: Those with Razer mice + expensive stuff (pads, keyboards, whatsoever), those with the Logitech G5 / MX518 + Razer Mantis Speed and those with crappy gaming devices or no devices at all (D:) [who may still rock, though].

Alright, start flaming now. :D
g5 refresh, 3 dpi's are safed. 2000/2000 1000/1000 and 900/500 (for better headers imo :> ) and my table is my mousepad :DDDDD

and i have ingame 1.8 sens, too.
play a lot of 3on3 mixed with some 6on6 :) u will improve your aim and your sense of the game :) thats all :)
dont play pubs
go to public and play aggressive, good aim training. A lot have to do with talent but I guess you'll improve anyway with just good hard pubbing. After you start raging too much, search a better public skillwise. Id not recommend any b4 publics or so, you just get leaned there and its not good when practising your aiming. Dont lean too much either because any player can own with lean and that doesnt tell anything about your aim. Also, dont focuse on your kill/death ratio, headshots or accuracy. Just try and play out like you can, you will eventually get better but its not good way to start immediatly focusing why your accuracy is low or why no headshots. Pure tracking and good amount of bodyshots is still a good way in ET eventhough players have moved into be more aimbased than ever.

If you dont like pubbing so much try to play clan matches, preferable versus same skill or just tiny better opponents. If you find an equal opponent which bot you and them share an interest of getting better - start to play them regularly. Good practive war is not a waste of time like usually they are.

And when you are playing clan wars, take some serious time into the tactics and for your way of playing. Try to make your tactics better. Discuss about them. Discuss about mistakes. (try and not to make it out as a war inside the clan). When you get better and you start playing more stable you should notice a difference how you play the game. Clanskill is not directly the same skill as personal skill but a lot can be gained from playing good as a team. Its much easy to get better personally after youve done it as a team.
1) you get selfconfidence - you can try out things you would not try normally
2) you get to play against better opponents regularly and start to get more gain from each of the games.
3) its much easier for you get better personally after you are doing good in a team

Also Id advise you to check any settings you do use. Bad mouse or mousepad will limit your skills although its not it in every case but usually the better your stuff is the better you are. Screens HZ, FPS, mouse accel, config are all things which may effect your playing. And its never bad to know about things eventhough you would change anything.

And most important thing : HAVE FUN, its useless if you dont enjoy it and if you dont you should just quit :)
could you tell me 1 thing
mouse settings???
watch teKoa's ettv !!
prefered from idle time
I'm watching Tekoa right now playing a 6vs6 against winghavens Azura clan. I'm a big idle^tekoa fan...just dreaming about getting that good. To bad he stopped playing.
he didnt, he's just banned afaik
lets put <3Jeroen in our nicks
20% skill boost :~>

btw, i have been told he is the best in the world with a luger :o
back from the us of a and already cocky?!
nah he did not stop ;)
if you want to play more aimbased, pracc 2on2/3on3's.
for tactics you want to go 6on6, also just try the basic map strategies and work up from there once it goes smooth, you can spice it up with some of your own changes

and if that doesnt work, you can always share a netcoders account with all your clanmates
mystic is best suxer with luger in teh world ! <3 .... raziel , replicator ;) mAus ! :> butchji < tekoa
personally i dont think 3v3 is that good for aim praccing. Sure, youll become a 3v3 ownator, spreading 3hs everywhere, but 3v3 style of gameplay just cant be applied on 6v6. "3v3 aim" just wont do in 6v6. 3v3 players tend to be limited in number of actions/decisions they make in a short timespan. They are used to play like "ok, 1 is down, there are only 2 guys left, fine for me to only camp here and check only this entrance". Thats all they do, waiting somewhere, limited to aiming at one spot, waiting for enemy to appear and press one button. Sure, this can happen in 6v6 too, but most likely these guys are gonna find themselves in a position that requires checking more routes, avoiding spam, theyre gonna be backraped or more than 2 guys will come. And thats the point when they just wont be able to react to everything quickly enough to give themselves the time to aim properly, they just wont handle the pressure. They cant do more things at once ;)

edit: dunno who wrote it somewhere above, but i agree with him - if you play on publics, play aggressive, dont ever camp, dont lean, dont throw medpacks under urself and dont camp on them. I see many players doing these things, they can own me on the pub, but when they play a 6v6/3v3 they are just pure nothing. I dont think tha skill of the pub is that important here. Its more about the number of players and the gameplay on the pub. Playing on a pub where everyone leans and camps on medpacks wont improve you in any way. Its better to go on a 20 slot server full of lesser skilled players who dont camp, who move constantly, because in my opinion the way you can improve on pub is by aiming at as many guys during the shortest time as possible. And your aim on pub should be achieving the highest amount of kills per minute or damage given per minute. Go aggressive, get in situations when there are many enemies around you and you have to move/turn constantly/swap between enemies... :o
i disagree with you a bit :P

3o3 players are the best for last man stanging positions[bank @ grush etc etc], cause their aim and camp are much better than the greatest 6o6 player...

and if you play 3o3 agressive way, not camp&kill you aim really becomes 3hs only...
thats whay i basically said theyre good at :o camping 1 spot with mouse aimed at one spot, with only 1 thing to care about.
you cant play rly aggressive in 3v3 against equally good opponents, you can do that only against worse teams. If you do it versus better players/teams youll lose the game (now take this teamwise, not your aimskill-wise)
you can play aggressive, its just that every member of the team need to do that and not only one otherwise it will be 1vs3.. I think aggressivity is still a thing what aint used for it's maximum, sometimes its even better way to play
aggressive is the way to go
i know, my friend is one of these 3hs only agressive twats :D
yea ive got one of them in my "clan" :D
play agressiv :D

its like raziel said in his good old aiming tut: stop camping, throwing senseless nades or putting medic-packs under ur a**. its all about playing agressive.
if u want to learn something from public playing, dont camp, be quite aggressive, challenge people. thats the only way to actually improve your aim. and also I suggest almost never using grenades at public. there are so many pubnoobs who go and hide behind corner after the first few hits and come out with a nade. they die and miss the nade and what did they learn aimwise? nothing.
funny but to become a good aimer you should do what chmpp said
tbh settings is one of the things limiting many players' abilities :(
in mouse settings
you have dpi, hz, windows sense
thats all the mouse settings i know 8(
windows accelfixes, finding a suitable sensitivity, most suitable mouse & mousepad and other things are also very important, but im actually not talking only about mouse settings. Cfg, monitor, etc.. Best settings will always help you to improve MUCH faster
im interesting in those
Cfg, monitor, etc.. :O
i mean you will hardly become a great aimer playing on a 60hz monitor with a movie cfg having everything on like blood, athmospheric effects and shit default controls
but are they any mouse commands in cfg?
except sensetivity :~>?
in the cfg?
m_filter 0
also m_pitch is very important
Don't try to copy settings from other players, find settings YOU are comfortable with. And like chmpp said: don't focus too much on aim, accuracy and 3 hs kills. It's much more important to do as much damage as possible and get the objectives done.
To improve your teamplay: every player needs to maximize his performance for his position. Watch players from good clans on ETTV and copy their "moves". You'll see that it often is very mechanical but effective. It also helps if you rotate positions from time to time. That way you'll understand what your teammates have to deal with and you can help each other to improve.
first of all you must know - ET IS NOT AIMBASED GAME!!!

dont worry about low accuracy & lack of headshot... as long as your clan is playing as one[teamplay rules] your crossfire will do the work...

BUT if you really want to improve your aim - remember your settings are ok, you can only make some adjustments... 2o2 and 3o3s are the best way of improving aim, cause they are duelbased... if you really want to play on publics, spend that time on mastering spam skills [play engi smg, or fieldops] ... Some guys can play on high level because of their timing sense [hello wrobel]...

And the most important... its only a game have fun :P
just buy deathadder. you will notice that if you play with your monitor closed, you will still have ~40% acc and 30+ hs per round.

In all seriousness, what people have failed to say so far and what really matters the most is MOVEMENT. Learn to strafe and jump and the aim comes automatically. Movement is vital if you are low senser and you dont wanna move the mouse way too much. Same goes for highsens or normal sens.

To learn that, play public first, and what decem said, play aggressively.
Quotejust buy deathadder

I got one, but I can't install it on my second PC :o (he don't find it if i put it in)
if you play with your monitor closed

that deathadder is an ubermouse
agree deathadder > *
dissagree jumping does lern you how your mouse shoud be moving but isnt usefull in a gunfight were knockback and shakescreen joins
fake flag pls :D
once you get past the stage of taking fullspawns, you will rage everyone
Play on Servers like Bio if you can't scrim.

Play against better skilled players if you guys got a scrim.
Just play some 3on3's with some guys, that will improve your aim and experience.

And dont go to cybergames, go to bio

Cybergames is full with leaners and campers
and bio isnt? loooooooool
is any public decent now?
Bio aswell indeed, but cybergames almost camp/lean only
sometimes there are some aggressive players, and you can learn how to avoid been spawn killed :P
Today I had 2 times a 5 man kill with fieldop ;) So yeah, U should look at me then :D
play the format you wanna be good at, if you wanna reach something in 3on3 play it, 6on6, play it. Aim wise you could try playing 1on1's with someone that's better then you. It's not really a guaranteed skill boost but you'll definitely get better in close combat. But ET isn't all aiming ofc so you should stick to playing what you wanna be good at and make sure your mates have the same goals and talent to take it to the next step :>
1o1 doesnt improve your aim... its game of minds, you just have to type where your oponent is and preshoot in that direction
That's a good example of just repeating what you hear instead of making up your own mind.
1on1's do improve your close combat aim and reactions. It's more fast paced fragging and it's a lot better for your brain to memorize the movements if it gets repeated excessively. Why else does practice make perfect? Imo 1on1 is the best pure aim training you can get. Playing wars and camping and getting a frag every 45 seconds isn't in any comparison to it. I'm not saying that 1on1 and 6on6 are the same, what I'm saying is that it does improve your close combat aim and reactions. If you don't see it then I don't care. Not like I'm trying to convince anyone, I'm just stating the obvious and also a little from personal experience.
its my own opinon, u failed...

its not improving your aim, as I said - 1o1 is about preshooting in correct direction... however it indeed improve your gamesense
You have no fucking clue what I'm talking about.
you dont have fucking clue what you're talking about... 1o1 does not improve your aim... just like that... go play some 1o1 and see yourself
So having to aim in such a repetitive fashion doesn't help, what does then, camping waiting 45 secs for some frags.. Oh and I bet public doesn't train your aim either.. Only lows there.. Oh ye right not playing at all is best aim train.. just fo before I make you.
the problem is - 1o1 is camping... as i said - go and play some 1o1 ladder matches, see how it is played, then talk...
That's obviously not how I meant it, you don't practice in offis. Talking about ones with friends etc .. It's the best fast tracking training you can get tbh and it's fun :)
in publics i always get a shitty score because i rush too much ^^ and then there are ownators with nice scores because they camp alot but i get much more kills in a shorter period of time then them because im rshing, and in war i get a much nicer score because i play tactical overthere :)
stop rushing and think
pietje can't think, he just cheats ! :D
...i see he can't think which cheat suits him best
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