syK`Drearem cless

lo, im searching active clan to play with, with an attitude to improve and nice teamplay

i can play almost every day from 19:00CET - 02:00CET

im used to play medic/engi but i can do a fops if needed

my skill is around med-high, english speaking, active comms, have experiences, no whine:)

i can participate on lans

everyone interested pm Drearem @ #syKotic

<3 u all
shame to see you leave mate, all the best :D
al miss ur sexy voice <3
Nice guy take him!!!1111oneoneeleven
are u pasting this(#stfu? Nizou is cless! post):

Myth0s on 24/11/06, 00:44:47 PM | Reply
Nice guy take him!!!1111oneoneeleven

on every cless post? xD xD srry im bit bored xD
Oh noeZ, you busted me. :( I am a copy- and pastecat. :)
koukam, nekdo je "hrdy" na to, ze hral v mts..a ze je cech :-)))
GL "med-high" skilled player ;)
byl jsem tam jako merc pro jeden cup. :)
"i can play almost every day from 19:00CET - 02:00CET"

no life ? oO
GL ! good player imo
gl Míšo ;O))
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