#quaked.nl 3on3 team!

image: logo_crossfire

Switzerland Me and my dear mate Netherlands lama want to open a 3on3 squad under the flag of #quaked.nl ! We are searching for some guys to play some nice matches and cups with, all in the name of the fun.

What we need:
  • Nice guys
  • Skill doesen't matter as long its above low+
  • 18+ preferred (no helium voice kiddys plz)
  • speak decent England english
  • Active ~ 2-3 evenings a week or more

What we have:
  • Gameserver
  • Ventserver
  • BNCs

  • pm lama` or GaRg`@ #quaked.nl or pm me here
llllllama song
Current Clan:.....
Yea ofc yea yea sure !!!
?1!?!?1+?+1+1?! Updating CF profile is the thing what I hate most :Xd
Gl garg :)
# Skill doesen't matter as long its above low+
# 18+ preferred (no helium voice kiddys plz)

you more skilled then me, so np
ik ben een retard die avie is maar goedluck
gl garg :)
lama ftw:D und der schweiz!:D
maarteeeen meijjeeerrrrrrrrrr
take me o/
gl >KTA|Gargunov
So you wanna play some Quake 3on3s ?
gl gl glan
is this lama the one who was in k9 clan long time ago?:P
gl lama boy yo
<333 quaked.nl
just pm me if you need help lama
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