Riflenoobs cancelled.

Last night, I got a random message about delayed writing for my seagate 350gb external drive and after rebooting, it read the drive but then stopped (I could see the files that it read but couldn't do nothing to them). I tried googling the error message and tried whatever I could, including enable write caching, different usb ports aswell as trying it on my laptop..

After hours of trying, I had to accept that the hard drive was fucked and there's nothing that I could do about it.

It had 2 things of importance on it .. porn :D and all the avis, project files, clips, etc for the riflenoobs movie. I had been on and off working on the movie since something like August and had completed about 8 minutes of the movie with the rest already planned out (just had to finish off the second song and make the intro that introduced all the rifles).

I'm really pissed off because I felt I worked hard on it and that the movie was going to be rated as one of the best movies in ET, because I was confident about all the hard work I put into it.

I really don't have time to restart the project as I'm in final year of uni, so the project will be cancelled. Who knows, maybe next Summer or somewhere, I will buy a new drive and find motivation again .. but as for now the movie is cancelled.

Sorry, and Thanks for reading.


image: errorhz3
np, u is good guy
no, fuck no :'(
need to see these 8 mins!
All the clips I rendered were also on the drive :)

I sent random clips to some people like ag0n, ender, Nonix, overschie, rezhni, matz and tornis. Maybe they'll post it.
shit, god really hates you :(
Never had any problems with my hard drvie. How come I see several journals every week from people getting their hard drive crashed n shit. What do you do with it? Buttsex?
it's an excuse for 1day guids
fucked up was waiting for it :(
Its a lesson I learnt the hard way myself - always back up your work or you will end up getting seriously annoyed at some point as it is so easy to lose something you've worked for ages on.

Real shame you lost it though would have been good to see it finished.
Well, I could have backed up the project so I'm pissed about that. But the raw avi's, end up coming up to like 150gb .. even if i wanted to back that up, i don't know how I would tbh.
I remember losing over 330Gb of data in a hard drive crash. Including lossless version of Decimated I think. I hate it when that happens.
I lost 1TB of files, most of which were my photographs :(
thought u quitted it already after giving me the demos :x
o well, now you can help cupper making AziMiZ The Movie part II
im sorry :(
i remember losing my project for interlude.. it was a real shit feeling, and i didnt even work on it for more than a month. i just knew how much potential the movie and song had, so it really sucked releasing some xvid preview that was 1 week of work -_-

can't even imagine what you'd feel losing 8min of work
GL with next movie :)
r.i.p. porns
try to open the case
After that try to use a normal connector (ide) and try to boot it with your computer. maybe the drive itself is intact but the case is broken. Try to use Getdataback (software) on it.
It's external hard drive, goes in by usb. I put it in .. computer starts reading then stops reading half way through and I get an error message.

image: errorhz3
open the case and connect the hdd via sata/ide to your pc
Ok just did that, and rebooted but don't see the drive anywhere, do I have to do something?
actually not :S
pm @ irc 4 help
gay i was in the intro :(
recover it!
why isnt this cheater banned from xfire?
noob not taking backups
nice hype, after my hdd crashes it takes 1 week for u to copycat me: / ur such a joke
whats the problem? go to the specialist to recover the data
hmm tell me more ;o
explain pls. cause thats the first thing id do. or you are scared that he might find a porn there :D
no, im hoping u can provide me with links as I have no clue about specialists :DD
I've made 2 movies so far and everytime i ended up losing some of the project BUT after i tried to recover it i found out that it was for the best
I had the same problem... 230 Gigs of Sorted and self tagged music, all... gone
One of the write heads was fucked, maybe your prob aswell?

Buy another but not the cheapest in stock (thats my advice)
buying another is not the prob, the prob is that I lost months and months of work ;-/
Feel what i felt 1+ months ago : )
nooo i was looking forward for that movie :(
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