wZx searching

i am playing ET for 2.5 years, i have experience from clanwars, i played in many clans but i hadn't good PC and i have very low fps so i couldn't pwn too much :P. Now I have the great one since august and now i am searching med- (or higher :P) clan.
English skills are for normal comunication but not great :) so in cw i can tell you everything posible :).
I'm 16 years old, i am not whiner, i'm not warper, cheater and some fucking things like this shit :), so I am fair player :), I like fun but dont like childern's fun :D!
I can play primary medic, and secondary fieldops and engineer. I am teamplayer and i am dont like whiners and fraghunters.
Contact me on IRC #wizzax or any internation chanels like 3on3.et 6on6.et etc. or on ICQ : 255009099 or here on xfire portal :) in comment, kthxbb. <3 u all :P
a term which gets thrown around too often -_^
gl mate hope you find something :)

want me to fix your grammar mistakes? :D
and i am dont like whiners and fraghunters. <--- i lold at that (:
evan the comment deleter omg
ruining someones recruitment thread is utter bull, you got the point so i deleted them.
"true but you get the point of it I guess or your stupid"
oh im so sorry evanSUCHALEETRIFLEbraakensiek
didnt really expect more from a kid so np, have a nice day
zomg your SO leet are you allready in some leet pro OC clan with your cool rifleskills?, god die pls you fucked up emo

... i was saying he was the kid, not you, please read and comprehende before saying something :< and no
god evan im a dutchie my english is not that good :D so just talk a lil bit fake english shizzle to me so I understand :D and gl finding a clan ofc!
nice comment you deleted btw, so ofc i take you and you goodluck wishes so serious!
:) thx all for "gl" ,thx to whiners O:-)
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