rAzbo Search Team


Looking for a mid skill team to play with. (In next warleagues season hopefully?)

I speak english.

Will play SMG Eng or Medic.

Active all week days from 6-7pm till late. (+ some weekends)

Been playing for many years.

Contact @ #crossfire or leave pm.

Thnx C:

Gl my bumboy :)
gl hurricane!
gl razbo:D
nice and skilled :)
jo rAzbo :)
gl owner
rAzbo teh man wb & gl
its alright lads well take em on supply
GL dude. Pro gamer/owner !
worst player ever!
lol, just kiddin', he's skilled and fun to play with!
Good luck!
G0oD l!k3 r4zb0!
gl mate
gl mate ;o ;*
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