looking for a low skill clan?

Abstract is recruiting members for W:ET. The rules are in the forums on our site. http://www.xfire.com/clans/abstractclan/ We are looking for low to low+ players who are looking for an upstart clan that will be creating a server in the future. We intend to do scrims, but mostly we will be training in the mean time. to contact us, message superjosh34 @ XFire. Once contacted, i will explain the recruiting process, and explain the way our scrim teams work. Voice capability and xfire are must haves, no exceptions.
That site looks fucking pro.
so do your maps, oh oh oh can i hear an owned?
i appreciate the sarcasm xeo
ignore the others mate, its good to see american teams trying to 'get in on the euro act' wish u the best of luck...
GL guys. Ignore the flame :)
I smell pedophiles. Every low skill nowadays is under 15 years old, and they should contact SuperJosh34. That is so wrong.
Good luck guys
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