Movie Maker AVI !!!!!

Hey , i'm a movie maker very motivated and available .

What i expect from you :

- EC skill
- sorted demos and against med+ at least..
- any song you might have in mind tell me.

What i can offer :

- decent quality
- able to make freecams
- motivation...
- and , availibility.

so PM me and i will answer as quick as possible .
have fun
:D take Belgiumlio he looking for a maker
is tom cruise in this?
Just trying to get a good player
gl Beqs :DD PWN
C'est pas beqs mais un de c'est poto
mais biensure bon tu as des ptite demo a nous montrer pour voir se que tu vaut ?
No this would be my first movie , Witch is the reason why i'm motivated and available
image: img_bd3cf557c7e646abb39feab7e23133b8

Ohh, and make the movie for the almighty Raptor who wrote a comment above you!
maybe use reply?
sure, because EC is low and then he wants med+ frags..
Maybe you should make something before asking for EC players.
Also the reply button is on the right side and it's not just for the looks.
lol thank you i didnt know it was there!

@ mmaker
any clips or sth ?:Xd
take me some oc premier and some pracc fragmoviestuff against some "ecskillers"
and against me!:O
i guess for EC skill isnt decent quality enough, just and only high quality :) and "able to make freecams"... everybody is , u have to be really good at it to satisfy high skill expectations on movie :) gl hf in searching and making ur first movie
im not able to make freecams
u r, everybody is, u just have to find out how :) its difference if u dont want to (because u r lazy or whatever) or if u r not able to . And if some "moviemaker" is not able to make freecams he shouldnt call himself a moviemaker... if u want to learn how to make some cams just read superboys tutorial, or just pmme (but that tutorial is better tbh :D)
Comment tu te fait flamm bienvenue dans la communuté crossfire !!!
avoue c mieux que les fis de pute de ( )
Perso osef ils jouent tous a et et probablement bot tous vue que ya plus que sa donc bon
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