video shit

hihu every1
I'm about to by a new video card becaue my actuall is a bit shit , its a random video card 128 mb in game sometimes i have pink screen lol , and i need some help dunno which is good , help me!

slorly flor mray brad engrishz0r!
too much kiddy sites
hi , pink = gay , sorry :(
ur 16 n1ckV and i understand why ur answer was so kiddish .....
I'm sorry to hear that you have no idea what spam means , I apologize ;)
spam is kiddish. So...........................

You fail at life
Actually you do, and you just proved it. Go be a loser kid somewhere else.
A statement like that actually proved my point , thank you
Your profile and your another hilarious comment proved that you don't have a life, and never will have.
Sure , that's why you prolly have more post than me
Beacause you are so nerd as you are, you propably know how to check the postcount, right?
No , but I bet the admins do , btw who the fuck are you to make judgements over me ?

Some random fag with a troubled childhood ?
Umm, you are the one who started the "judgements"

Don't start a argue with a person you cant win. Dont fight the inpenetrable.

Hardly , you started the judgments , maybe you should consider thinking before posting , might save you from making a fool out of yourself

I can win this argue thus making the rest invalid

Saying spammin is kiddish aint a judgement, telling me that i failed in life is. Get your facts correct
Right ?

I'll give you the definition of a judgment since you don't know a shit

8 dictionary results for: judgment Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source - Share This
   /ˈdʒʌdʒmənt/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [juhj-muhnt] Show IPA Pronunciation
1. an act or instance of judging.
2. the ability to judge, make a decision, or form an opinion objectively, authoritatively, and wisely, esp. in matters affecting action; good sense; discretion: a man of sound judgment.
3. the demonstration or exercise of such ability or capacity: The major was decorated for the judgment he showed under fire.
4. the forming of an opinion, estimate, notion, or conclusion, as from circumstances presented to the mind: Our judgment as to the cause of his failure must rest on the evidence.
5. the opinion formed: He regretted his hasty judgment.
6. Law.
a. a judicial decision given by a judge or court.
b. the obligation, esp. a debt, arising from a judicial decision.
c. the certificate embodying such a decision and issued against the obligor, esp. a debtor.
7. a misfortune regarded as inflicted by divine sentence, as for sin.
8. (usually initial capital letter) Also called Last Judgment, Final Judgment. the final trial of all people, both the living and dead, at the end of the world.

Calling spamming kiddish is an opinion hence a judgment

You ran your head as a third leg in to the internets to find some shitty definition for judgement, when you just couldnt beat me with your own mind. Sad case
No I had to look it up in the dictionary because you had no clue what it meant , I was right from the beginning and you're just trying to save your ass
No actually i was right from the beginning. Go ahead, go wiki some more information that might get you away from this humaliation.
Sure , sure , you keep on believing that :roll_eye:
Now that you can't make up any other bullshit, i declare myself as a winner.

image: fuck_you_im_an_anteater
Right , so you admit that you were talking bullshit ? Great , that makes me the winner , thanks
Childish answer.

Sit down
You have made more childish replies in this thread than I have in my entire life

PS : Yes you can put that on your profile as achievement
Sure. I dont brag with internet achievements.

-e- Im sorry if i hurted your feelings but you had it coming
Lol , if you actually read it thoroughly then you'd notice it's only there as a joke , you obviously don't know a shit about me
are you going all emo on me?
pink is just niks gay! doe is normaal
(url) [[url]][/url]

Try thisone, nice and quite cheap =)
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