buYaka is back and recruiting

image: 87206pn5

buYaka is back with new lineup soon. Still recruiting 2 med+/high skilled players to play ESL Winters Cup 6v6.

u must be:[/b]

- med+/high skilled
- experience
- no random high
- use ur microphone.

/Q me at mirc #play2win or at Central African Republic crossfire.
take me :D xD
- med+/high skilled

oky bibuy
Can some admin just ban this retard. He's busted multiple times and he should die in a carfire (requesting pic)

brb lolling
BUKKAKE is back and recruiting
kicked from dktrp 2006 for cheating..
from zero to hero. HIGH ! lold
- med+/high skilled

k, brb loling ..well, could take some time
shikake bukake
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