woDka and finley search skilled clan

Hi lovely Crossfire memberZ, we (finley and me) are looking for a skilled team.

Age: 17(finley),18(woDka)
Skill: OC Premier
class: both medic
languages:finnish,english (finley),german,english(woDka)

About you:
OC Premier skilled
vent + gameserver
playing in cupZ
very active

#Finley /qry woDka or FINLEY
Xfire: finnischwodka, randomboi69
1st :ASD
gl finley and wodka give this guys a good team
hunti cheater is back :XD
care about hunti cheater :<
hello mister nc customer
welcome back to ET nc pro
Ah ! Thanks for the welcome , btw Do u have cancer? cause ur haire... :XDDDDDDD its like allmost all out? u see ur bold retard head . Oh yeah thats true. U have it, sorry that i hurt you.
dude ur a fucking low skiller with detected etbot - ur already busted 3 times - well done, not even gnajda could do that.

And you can say what you want about my picture - at least I'm not a nolifer and I get more girls and pussy that you ever can imagine dude

it's not like you looking like someone who just stepped out of Resident evil movie and all the girls run away :)
Lol ya busted 3 times 'k' maybe 1 time is better retarded cancer head u said first u r med then u r low and now ur med again? Ur like low+ to the max fdp.
so? at least i dont need to use cheats for getting low+ like you do :XDDDD!!!!!
I'm sorry but i own izi whitout cheats and anny kind of hack u are low. So dont sa ur good and med cause u aint. And now stop fanboy'ing me plz!
oh pls dude - your think your high because you can use cheat? Oh I'm sorry - These days it's called FAILING when you buy cheat that is already detected :XD!!!

Rly you got the "Most retarded ET cheater ever" award.
1 I dont want to take ur award away then u have nothing annymore in ur life. Secondly: WTF proof that i cheat u fucking scum.
I can't have the award since I'm skilled enough to beat cheaters :)

2nd - you're hunti so no need to proove, unless you want to see your banned CF profile?
Proof that im hunti. Check the ip's and 2 u suck and ur not skilled, or u want a 1o1 on ettv? And now mr pinokio nose, su cause ur boddering my reading on this crossfire :[.
Lol dude I know you got programs to change your IP - rly your the worst hacker in ET's whole history
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:DD you dunno how to write? or you haven't learned that in 5th class :>?
oh sorry did I hurt you nolife cheater?
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Quote: unfaith aka hunti aka ethackers ethackers
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Very big problem guys
Guys their is a big problem i'm gonna buy ETBot but just on crossfire they are saying, they going to make a team to look if the eprson shoots like and aimbotter or not and they can ban u for a demo not (that couldnt be before) can u help me how i do settings like a real highskilledzor whitout they notice i hack? thanks btw here is link

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he posted his pbbans entry there aswell!:D
it's called = owned :D
Quote: unfaith aka hunti aka ethackers ethackers
Join Date: Oct 2008
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Very big problem guys
Guys their is a big problem i'm gonna buy ETBot but just on crossfire they are saying, they going to make a team to look if the eprson shoots like and aimbotter or not and they can ban u for a demo not (that couldnt be before) can u help me how i do settings like a real highskilledzor whitout they notice i hack? thanks btw here is link

Check out for yourselfs! Crossfire 3.0 - A Gaming Community - powered by Game-Hosting.com

(url) [www.crossfire.nu]
Gl finley <3
gl bärchen. :D:D:D
nice cheaters duo....
btw, finley = syNta
is synta busted or what?
ofc he is... but hey, u can trust mr. woDka, another "cleanguy", if u wish :D
i just know that finley is cheating

but i dont think that wodka is cheating
heh, he's even more known for his cheating than syNta I would say :) but hey, rumours say they are nice on vent, I'm sure some "trustful" team will recruit them...
c.r.e.a.m you are a funny guy =)
still not banned in times of busting .avi's
gl :)
nice guys
18(woDka) olo

gl wodka boy! <3
gl basti^^
gl woDka
gl m8s ;)
viel gkück wodka :)

good luck finley :>
suspicious players for sure.
gl wodka
along comes woDka :D
and then along comes wodKa, wodKa wodKA!
sweet as the punch!
gl basti :D & sein freund
Skill: OC Premier finley?

Skill: med+ nXville ?

"you can imagine this part now"
omg , this guy cant play oc premier rly :/
how do you want to judge about this?
because he called me cheater rofl =/
from low+ to med+ if its true he is right
shut up plz , and go to watch tv
"k" hijo de puta
:d , i love u 2
to be called a cheater doesnt mean to be skilled.
but he is med- (3rd or 4th league, not premier =/)
maybe, but ur argument was "he called me cheater".
Then he is med- Like u right? Cause ur also 4th leage.
lol andi is calling someone a cheater

good game? rly those words make no sense because you are a hacker yourself
Hi uknown retarded, it seems ur a bit a guy who follows other guy cause hes to retarded to find 'decend friends'? . Nvm evrybody haz a 'pathetic' life
Ah, hi2u retarded hacker u say to me nc acc? Plz i dont have an nC account, u have proof of IP give it ! btw kicked this son of a bitch hes using an other account while being banned.
Guess why syNtha changed his nick.
gl finley + wodka
gl both!
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