chronic <33

Looking for someone to make my frag movie willing to pay if it's good :)

must have experience.

xfire - eugene111

- Must see some proof that you know how to make movie's

Thank you <33

Shoutout- i fucking love you rossko haha <3 smexy canadian
Gl with it Chronic. Hope to see some epic 3o3 frags :P
Thanks walk and you already know u'll see some epic 3o3 frags haha :D
I heard bout' this guy named Lab or Rat or something... can't remember really!
Here's his movie,i heard he's the best in this business!
Lab Rat? Lol goes together :)
chronic111 added you as a buddy!

Heh gl m8
rhand wnb tbh xDDDDDDDDDDDDD
whos that girl in your pic, i want her name plz :)
I don't tell my girlfriends name to you!
lol the movie of that lab rat sucks badly.. so if hes the best ill eat a dead rat
how much u pay?
Gl : D >
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