problem with gammasettings

Hey guys,

I got a problem with my gamma in et I wasn't able to fix so far.

I got a new pc and transfered my config from my old pc to it. Well.. so far it works and i got stable fps and so on, but there is one thing which is pretty annoying.

Everytime im loading my config, it doensn't take my gammasettings, so the view is pretty dark. When i take a look into the console, it says "setdevicegammaramp failed".

I looked at the internet for comparable problems and it said i have to change the name of my graphic card in the config to my new one. Well I did, but the problem still appeared.

When I change the gamma wit r_gamma in the console, i can only change it up to a value of 1.01. Everything above it doesn't work --> again "setdevicegammaramp failed".

Furthermore my soundsettings seem to be fucked up, cause the sound of mp40/thompson, fired at a "great" distance (for example a distance like in supply, from cp spawn to west bunker) sounds not like they were used to before. In addition to that, the ticking of my nade disappeared for an unknown reason, which pretty sucks :(.

So if there is someone who got an idea to solve my problem(s), it would be really nice :).

so far,
create anew one.that´s the best way i fix the problems cost more
Oehhhhh INCOMING!!!11
seta s_mixahead "0.2"
seta s_mixPreStep "0.05"
for the sounds
worked, thank you :).
seta r_ignorehwgamma "0" // if 0, you can change brightness w/ r_gamma

seta r_ext_gamma_control "0" // external gamma control should be 0

Perhaps this helps setting your gamma with /r_gamma.. GL.
I got "r_ignorehwgamma 0", but still i can't take a /r_gamma above 1.01

I got "r_ext_gamma_control 1". Otherwise, if im changing it to "0", pb kicks me from server.

mby run ET in winXp comp mode to fix the gamma problem?
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