Ubuntu & XP
Okay, so I've just installed Ubuntu Eee on my laptop together with Windows XP. Everything is working just fine, except that Grub won't load when I boot. I have to boot from my Ubuntu Live USB to get into the Grub menu.
I'm a complete noob when it comes to Linux, so if there's anyone out there that knows Ubuntu/Linux well, I would appreciate if you could help me on this one.
When I boot it just goes straight into Windows XP. I've tried messing around with the /boot/grub/menu.lst but I can't seem to understand it. There is only one harddrive on my laptop, and I have:
- 1 XP OS partition (NTFS)
- 1 Ubuntu OS partition (NTFS I think)
- 1 FAT32 partition
How can I change the MBR (Master Boot Record) to boot to Grub?
I'm a complete noob when it comes to Linux, so if there's anyone out there that knows Ubuntu/Linux well, I would appreciate if you could help me on this one.
When I boot it just goes straight into Windows XP. I've tried messing around with the /boot/grub/menu.lst but I can't seem to understand it. There is only one harddrive on my laptop, and I have:
- 1 XP OS partition (NTFS)
- 1 Ubuntu OS partition (NTFS I think)
- 1 FAT32 partition
How can I change the MBR (Master Boot Record) to boot to Grub?
you installed XP after ubuntu? MASSIVE FAIL
XP is just like all other M$ crap freaking egoistic, and will just delete the MBR and overwrite it. You HAVE to install ubuntu after installing XP, or you just lose your ubuntu boot record
check to see if grub is installed on your system:
rpm -q grub
package grub is not installed
if ur told that grub is not installed, then install grub from either the ubuntu cd/usb releases or from internet, such as: rpmfind
then add the rpm:
rpm -i grub-xxxx-x.i386.rpm
basically what this website says :XD
Ubuntu doesn't use ntfs btw, it uses ext3 or reiserfs(or something else, but these two are the most common).
1. Run sudo dpkg -l | grep grub
2. If nothing comes up, run apt-get install grub
3. run sudo grub-install (hd0,0)
If that didn't work, run sudo grub-install /dev/hda
if that didn't work either, run sudo grub-install /dev/sda
4. ???
@Lakaii: Bare å spør, jeg har ikke brukt windows på 5 år =o)
/q plekter
Btw what version do you have? 900 901?
Just wanted to try Ubuntu.
if so:
1)boot from livecd
2)sudo grub
3)find /boot/grub/stage1
4)root (hd?,?) <- enter here the numbers shown after the previous cmd
5)setup (hd0)