ET without cheater....

What that epic ban give us… total notting….our community sux more and more ….and probably that will never end…

Before gnajda, now more then half overload crew r banned…
why the fuck ppl like killerboy cant learn from mistakes… we got huge ban list then after that we shoud see some new restriction to prevent us that will never happened again….but we always have notting

Our fight versus cheaters is like “we got holy bible wrote on clanbase 5 years ago”, and we have no serious update.

As we all know et is pretty old game, that spented time was :

* very good for that corporaction like net coders they made almost perfect product
* and pretty bad for others honest players …it’s the biggest joke at all

What we can do now ?
We can try to refreash some old methods making new restrictions that will give us much better results

My propositions

1) We catch cheater
If catched player will be registered in cb or esl… at least 4-5 weeks in 1 clan that whole clan have to be deleted (whole history) from every website (like crossfire) and every ranking ladder (that worth something)….why ? becouse of that every recrutaction will be much more serious… first of all new recrut have to be check that his not using any kind of boost before clan or clan leader make him official member…
Conclusions….Cheaters will be wanted in clans by clan members, imo it seems to be much more effective then punkbuster in theory.

2)We can organize some money
We have so many crossfire members, imagine that everyone will pay 1 euro every month. That mony can be spent to buy some etbots then send it to punk buster. After 1 month we can collect money even for 1 best nC tahta they have plus polish and frentch cheap hax. It will be no more problem with polish, frentch users that’s for sure, and month after month we can buy more and much more expensive cheats like nuxus example.

3)We can catch cheaters by demos
to catch players by demos we have to choose small group of players 30. I prefare old player with huge game experience (example night, reload, pumu) U ask what they shoud do? Its simple if someone will have some strange demo recorded he can sent it that to one of them (descriptions of that demo have to be like “strange actions/moment time : (3.35) (12.04)…) plus screenshot from the game with guid and pb guid. First guy from that group after watch, if if he will see something suspiction, he should make topic on forum with vote yes/no (only membership ppl can vote) after vote have to make descriprion why he decide that?
The same demo have to be watched by more ppl from the chosen group. If at least 75% of them vote “yes its was to strange to be real” we catch a cheater.
In case that demo was clean coz first guy said so he have to leave it yust wrrite smh on forum like "i see notting there" topic will be closed with that interigaction.... if that demo sender is still not satisfate he can send it again not to forum but exactly to other member.

Example with Details

So we have example 40 chosen people. They have to watch example 5 demos every day (its take max 30min).

file for investigaction should be put on forum
1.screen with quid and pb quid from that demos
2.quids and pb quids inside the xxx.txt file
4.exactly moment and time where u se something weird
[minimum 3 examples]
like --- (7:22, 6:33, 3:09, 2:04, 14:05)----

Email template:
1. first line should have link with that opinion "i see notting there" from closed topic in forum ...without that info email will go to trash to that closed topic on forum (link with demo cant be dead)

with that rulez they dont waste much time at all
Can someone translate this into English ? Might be interesting ...
What N1ckV said
ET problem is that everyone can change identity in 5mins :)

with account system and serial of rtcw2 it' should be more difficult to cheat
Quote3)We can catch cheaters by demos
to catch players by demos we have to choose small group of players 30. I prefare old player with huge game experience (example night, reload, pumu)

I prefer to know that they want to do it :u
spended, quids,...
pay for a free game? go away!
It would be worth to invest some money, especially as I never had to pay something for a game, for what I spent a lot of time the last years and which gave me a lot of fun.
i doubt there are enuff ppl who think that way
Remembering the quakecon story, it shouldn't be a problem to get enough money to buy an etbot tbh. Furthermore, if Tosspot really won't pay back overload, their money could be used. ^^
nC will immediately update their bot i guess!? so dno if youll see so many kicks
That's why the idea was never realised. ^^
better just give mama the adress of the coders
Then we are accesory for murder.
infeasible ..
so lets all watch demos for 30mins every single day and save free game thats dead allready, yeppee
2long2read ! but i guess you r saying something like we have to save ET, well let me tell you bitch boy, ET will never die it is dieing in infinity! :D we will play ET as grandpas :> Grandpa Night playing vs Grandpa brumu oh, those will be great times :)
u mean cybergames will never die :D
competitive level will die someday
Âll no new ideas. And watching demos is very hard as I know only a few people, who are really able to detect humanized aimbots with bad settings. A well adjusted humanized aimbot is almost undetectable.
good thoughts

but i dont care, et is dead (full of cheaters) and nobody can revive it anymore
going to play call of duty with some et mates if i have my new pc
You think we're going to pay 1 euro each, just to let the community buy a ETbot. Over 100 Costumers are going to get busted, and thats it. Pansmuckl updates his bot, problem solved.
The only thing that can save ET is a cdkey/account system like what Spongino said imo.

Also, its hard to bust people without proof via demos and i am totally against it (and many others as well).
QuoteCheaters will be wanted in clans by clan members, imo it seems to be much more effective then punkbuster in theory.

There can be many ways to describe this.

If we look on this seasons EC, Germany cs3r was going to play their qualifier against Europe TAG, but 4live's team had recruited a player, junky, under the name froSty (so they got kicked out of EC). He even knew who it was, and as expressed in a topic which I can't find right now, it was said that 4live knew it was junky, and that he just wanted to "help" him in - correct me if I am wrong.

So I do not believe that cheaters are wanted in a clan by its members, but it depends of the members itself, too.

There can be exceptions.
that was quite coherent, who wrote it for you? :D
Hi unblind 8D! I guess there are some things you don't know, are there? :D
only about women!! lolol
rofl, you'll never catch me anyway
This is not original, far from it.
oh the drama, serious business
et is full of cheaters :|
The only way to avoid cheating is to build special game clubs where people come in to play. And only from these clubs there could be a possibility to play.
this is the second possibility to avoid cheating: ur own cat wont allow u to play with hax :D
I lol'd this morning when someone (can't remember who) was shooting to me hahah beltard nice 1 cheater Team Belgium blabla. Like the whole Belgians are cheaters or have the same mentality than overload. Pls try to grow and to became a little mature and ET will be beter
that's exactle how ppl think of polaks and in the lead with belgians
Even me who is low- have really strange demos where I've been tracking people around corners or insta-3-hs-180-turns so demos CANT be used as evidence if it isnt VERY obvious, like tracking running people during a longer period of seconds through walls on several occasions. Easy as that.
try to look at this from a realistic point of view. what you suggest can and will never work. the anti-cheat policy is not the best in ET since we need people wasting their own time for busting people.

busting people based on demos is stupid..any player has some more or less obvious moments every now and then. only thing I would suggest would be a lifetime ban for all the cheaters.
what happened to hardware bans btw?

I am in favor of punishing teammembers in case they are playing with obvious cheaters tho. maybe then all the polaks who are recruiting med+ new talents with 1 week old yawns would finally get some sense..
hardware bans are useless since every random bot got a hardware spoofer :(
i dont get it why they buy bots for a game where you can win noting online :D
2)We can organize some money
We have so many crossfire members, imagine that everyone will pay 1 euro every month. That mony can be spent to buy some etbots then send it to punk buster. After 1 month we can collect money even for 1 best nC tahta they have plus polish and frentch cheap hax. It will be no more problem with polish, frentch users that’s for sure, and month after month we can buy more and much more expensive cheats like nuxus example.

awesome :D
lol pansemuckls fakeaccount?

Yes lets buy lots of etbots and if we do we probably can buy even more expensive etbots!

... moron
thats why i said ! GO AND BUY BOTS PRIVAT AND PUBLIC BOTS and sent them to PB!
Quoteto catch players by demos we have to choose small group of players 30.

Didn't work in the past won't work now.
where does the income of that site go?
ur ideas are fucking retarded, u should really think before u write something, let's get rid of pb : D and start banning with democrew. Don't u think that in that cenario many innocent ppl will get banned since there isn't a person who can say that this was 100% hack and that not.
and the bot buying thingy, laughed so hard.
killerboy has done nice job keeping hackers away but there are things that whatever u do u can't prevent anything
and how can u tell that a 6 month playing guy can't be really talented
I think you need to think this through a couple of times.
QuoteWe have so many crossfire members, imagine that everyone will pay 1 euro every month. That mony can be spent to buy some etbots then send it to punk buster. After 1 month we can collect money even for 1 best nC tahta they have plus polish and frentch cheap hax. It will be no more problem with polish, frentch users that’s for sure, and month after month we can buy more and much more expensive cheats like nuxus example.


Rofl this post owns, please, sticky this!!!
This gave me such a great laugh :D

image: CatLaugh
And yet no fucker has noticed is that it's a game, give it 5 years when your looking back when you have kids or got a girlfriend or got married, and you'll be thinking, why the fuck was i so bothered about a game. And what makes it worse is that you don't even have to pay for it. Believe me when things start happening in your life, you realise how fucking stupid you were to be so bothered about a game, you'll notice killerboy spends ages doing his list, yet in all pointless and meaning less. And the fucking best part is your all so fucking igear to see it. Why???? Who gives a shit, it doesn't matter.

If your going to waste your time at least try and get something out of it. There is no end to this, ET will ALWAYS have fucking cheaters, no matter how hard you try to get rid of them there will always be a coder who can code a hack fucking better than the anticheat, give it a year and the anti cheat coder manages to bust 50 know players. Whoo!!! Then what happens? All the attention goes there when a load of other newbies buy etBot and make names for themselves and you'll hear nobody going zero to hero. Then the cheat coder manages to successfully render the anticheat obselete and it starts all over again. Why at all killerboy do you fucking bother? Go get a girlfriend and gain some life experience.
I wondered how long it would take a retard to post emo, was fucking waiting for that, wd :D
^^ . I'm not part of the nolifer group you described ! (:
got a problem with frentch ?
giving netcoders our money to solve the cheating problem. YEP, MAKING SENSE
we just need new anti-cheat
Quote2)We can organize some money
We have so many crossfire members, imagine that everyone will pay 1 euro every month. That mony can be spent to buy some etbots then send it to punk buster. After 1 month we can collect money even for 1 best nC tahta they have plus polish and frentch cheap hax. It will be no more problem with polish, frentch users that’s for sure, and month after month we can buy more and much more expensive cheats like nuxus example.

And you think that netCoders are stupid enough to sell them to the Crossfire community :DDDDD?
yes, or do you think nC is even allowed to do a background check before they sell you a bot from their illegal inet store.
Dont you think the coders will be more careful selling their bots when the piepz at crossfire are publicly raising funds? And nevertheless there is no point in buying those bots because every customer gets its own customized (thus they're having a differend md5, a differend blueprint etc) bot and by making one version detected you wont detect the versions of the other customers.
good idea in theory, will fail epicly in praxis though.
This guy reminds me from mtvm, he tries to speak good English and failing badly.
the problem will be everytime, any guys who are very good in programming c++ or any other so can program their own bots so there will be everytime cheater not so much as now but cheaters never die that's the big prob.
dont send hax to the cheatbusters, nothing will be done with it anywayz
Just want to add Killerboy needs a statue.
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