corrupted file/memory

hey guy

i'm getting kicked by 'corrupted file/memory'

i try to update pb and it still not working

anyone knows how to resolve this problem?

com_maxhunkMegs or smth? *unsure*
yeaaa *mesg* no caps
com_maxhunkMegs 96?
btw: santj already deleted his journal :D:D:D:.d

oh the solution: Start ET without etBot.exe/bimbot.exe
yeaa ask sAntj XD he got it
anyone know where i can find sAntj? what irc channel?
it's your hack :DDDDDDDD
Start ET without etBot.exe/bimbot.exe .....
It means u've modified the paging file or the et.exe file strings or process, AKA a hack, OR you could have a virus or something m8 so get scanning w/ your av or anti spyware.

Only gunna post that one more mother fucking time -_-
he is not on irc :(
Ok read my post please and it may help you...
Ahaaha XD!@
i cant understand what u want to say about 'u've modified the paging file or the et.exe file strings'
it means something is modifiying ET.exe
Etbot for example
joker can u explain me? :D
ah okay, no i didnt changed anything :S
shood i reinstal et?
nope just start et without bot
plz man i dont have bot ffs
Retards say something interested.

So folk, I think you need to update your pb and then will be ok.

I wish you gl :o
i tried that saeba but it still not working
no one knows whats the problem?
'corrupted file/memory' is a hack, it might be RS/ETBOT so /quit ET and die you poltard and get a brain!
It might not be a hack, it means something is currupting your et.exe is someway, which could also spell virus, but, it's a polak with the problem so we all know a virus is bs
i got too same problem .. : - (
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