Strg + 3 = Esc => WAT?!

Hoi guys,

got an issue with my keyboard in Xubuntu, when i play ET and switch to SMG while crouching (Strg + 3), my menu pops up.

Got no idea how to solve this =/
any linuxfreaks here?
nice one first xD
gz, got an idea? :D
use windoof :P
sux, next idea pls :)
throw ur pc out of window
nice idea, trying mom
Don't use linux.
use a diffrent key, i always had an issue in linux (any distrio) that i couldnt crouch and change weapon at same time due to me using shift i guess. Wheres Strg btw? o.O
I know that issue, solved it here, wait I'll edit :D

in your et file in your game directory (NOT et.x86, I'm talking about the script ^^) find the line

./et.x86 +exec autoexec.cfg "$@"

and add a line before and after that so you've got:

Quotexmodmap -e "remove Control = Control_L"
./et.x86 +exec autoexec.cfg "$@"
xmodmap -e "add Control = Control_L"

Before that ensure that you've got xmodmap.

Also I'm not sure whether control_l shouldn't be sth with strg for the ppl who spricht instead of talking :D

If you want me to explain what it do and what are the drawbacks, reply :>
i want ;) wait i'll try it, but thanks anyway =)
Basically the first command

xmodmap -e "remove Control = Control_L"

removes left control as a Control mod key, so if you'll try ctrl+alt+f1 in-game it won't work, unless you will use right control. The shortcut control+3 is a normal shortcut added to X server. and I guess you cannot just turn it off, hence this solution. The obvious drawback which I was talking about is that you won't be able to use any shortcut which uses control if you will for example minimize the game (by that I mean windowize it and open console :D). You've got to use right control then. But it's not really a problem, is it? :)

xmodmap -e "add Control = Control_L"

just adds it afterwards, so after you close the game you won't notice any difference ^^ It's maybe not the cleanest solution, but... well, I am not aware of any other :>
yippie worked :) thank you

may i annoy you with some other nooblike questions via pm? :P
sure, also you could try /q trakos`34ry @ irc
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