mouserate problem

my problem - mouserate...
I set it to 500mhz and look what's happen
image: mouseratevy5
do you know why? last time I got 499-500-498, now look 0-500-10-490
it is something with devices? need your help
You don't really need 500

125 is naiz
I'm guessing that there is a break in the wire or something?

Test with 125/250 and see if you get the same 0 Hz reports?
meez @ serieus o_0
Move your Mouse!
When O/S turn on everything is ok, but when I turn on game It looks like upper.
I dunno is it something with USB port, maybe motherboard devices... I try to set my mouse to default, same thing happen :o fuck...
Yes, probably your mouse is broken. I recommend you to buy a new one.
broken probably
iirc this program was for PS2 mice and/or something was wrong with it. There was another program using direct input or smth which gave accurate results. But I don't really get this stuff, so don't believe a word I say.
what are the results if you move your mouse in nice circles on a constant speed? :p

about the broken cable thingy; do you have windows sounds enabled? if you hear those 'device connected/disconnected' sounds all the time, u might think about getting a new mouse ;p
yeah why set it at 500 mhz you dipshit you were asking for it
i got similar aka i set it to 1000 hz but that checker gave me 500hz onleh :<
my geuss would be that your mouse is slightly fucked ;D
try with 250 hz.
I turn on some shit in bios, np atm. stabil 500mhz jeez :XD
What did u turn on? :) im posting here since i dont want to make a new journal :)
I got too old bios ver. I must update it. since update I don't have any problems with mouse rate anymore.
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