Team looking for a good organisation [COD5]

image: seriouszkingzdesignjt4

Dear Gamers,


To start, we are a new Call of Duty 5 team. We are searching for an good MGC to support us and we can hopefully provide good results for the MGC Organization. Also looking for Netherlands players who can help us getting high aswell. There for are we looking for a good MGC to trial us for some time till we get a really good result. Weve played alot with eachother and we know what to do. Also u need to be lanable in UK/NL, just like us ;)

About us: We are mature players above 18 years old and we are all from Netherlands we started playing with eachother as a fun team and decided to make a team.

Also we are searching for good sponsors who can support our back.


See you on lans/cups

Team Serious Kingz

xfire: qinoa, e-mail/msn: [email protected]
Luckya, xfire; progamez e-mail/msn [email protected]
Nah, belgium talents only :)
Europe OVERLOAd-Gaming

Turkey Fatih "fireBall" H. (Captain)
Poland Mateuz "z3R0" W. (MainPlayer)
Germany Daniel "humM3L" M. (MainPlayer)
Germany Sascha "criatura" B. (MainPlayer)
Germany Patrick "Scatti" K. (MainPlayer)
Germany Arthur "murDa" R. (MainPlayer)

HI @

Do you have any results etc?
Where there no ladders on yet :) but weve played versus top teams like immenSe & h2k won em all :) 1st match won vs immenSe 2nd they gave a comback and lost :P GG and GL to me and Qinoa
did u fuck beat immense lol. we smashed u last night aswell with 2 mercs :P
true true but 1st war vs immenSe we won :p but your a good opponent :) and we love to play vs u :)
well we just drew 10-10 with 2nd map to play! resume later! :P
GL! Played them a few times and there a nice team
Thanks daze :)
Kinda of funny talking about bashing h2k - well I saw otherwise
pstarZ is restarting ;) Pm twnz / Vane
:) daze <3 10-10 atm yeah rawr beside u know we got mixers also:D
Ya team immense very nice team to play against .. atleast something skilled/ And friendly ^^
Its ok realitytruth coz we had a mixer to ; )

Very nice team, a decent game, skilled etc GL guys!!
still recruiting high skill Netherlands lanable players:) still dont have full active team xD but almost ;)
We have a full team, But we got the feeling that som are inactive so :)

xfire, Qinoa e-mail [email protected]
Member For: 0 days =D
mm im member for abit longer^^
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