Lag issue

I'm getting weird spikes on all ET servers with both patches (2 different installs) of ET and my RTCW that I have. Every 7 or so seconds, I get 2 large spikes (shown below). I have updated all drivers, ran virus/spyware scans, Ports 27960-27970 are forwarded to me, and reduced graphics settings. No luck with any of that. I have a fan that blows directly on my graphics card. I am connected by a Linksys Wireless router with roadrunner service (PCI adapter). This problem started on Wednesday, and happens in both games almost every time I start. It worked today and Thursday morning normally, but after I shut it down and started it back up, the spikes would happen again. Suggestions?

(look at the lag-o-meter)
image: 2008-11-28-010039-sp_delivery_te
image: 2008-11-28-010218-sp_delivery_te
image: 2008-11-28-010228-sp_delivery_te
image: 2008-11-28-010238-sp_delivery_te

Dell Inc.

Intel(R) Pentium(R) D CPU 2.80GHz (2 CPUs)

1024MB RAM

Hard Drive:
244 GB

Video Card:
ATI Radeon HD 3450

19" Flatpanel LCD

Sound Card:
SB Live! 24-bit

Logitech Headset

Razer Lycosa

Razer Deathadder

Mouse Surface:
Standard Blue

Operating System:
Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600) Service Pack 2 (2600.xpsp_sp2_qfe.070227-2300)
Have you tried a reinstall?
ET yes
OS no
your problem is b_althud 0
ive got this problem too mate but i'm
pretty sure its just my internet playing up as usual :)
ugly cfg!
damn please get ur fov down and ur gamma up ty :')
that teammate info, how to get it like that? :D (I mean with the icon, and '125HP')

and where is that guy anyway xD
etbot command
just don't play delivery
Logitech Headset

Razer Lycosa

Razer Deathadder

Mouse Surface:
Standard Blue

we need it!
its so dark there :s
for how long that happens?and if changes has been made in that period get the setings back if u dont know i would go for graphic card because of unstable fps
but the other main issue could be connection (by connection i mean all that goes from et(some net cvars) to ur firewall(dunno if antivirus scans trafic) to ur netcard to ur cable to ur router(u should check the options in this one about firewall) )
Are you connected by W-LAN? What is roadrunner service?

If it works the one or other day, it could just be your ISP.
Get the IP-address of the server, open up a console and type in "ping -t" and let it run for a few minutes.
If you get there higher pings in between or packet loss, it´s not an ET problem.
image: pingmp9
idd do a tracert or a ping to your isp and you'll be able to find out where the lag is created (your hardware or your isp)
wtf, change your fov
I know it doesn't seem relevant but I had this problem as well while using some certain drivers for my graphic card.
nice config :D:D:D
well, already said this couple of times: turn lagometer off and problem is gone...
My brother plays ET too on the same network, but he doesn't have this problem.

That is r_gamma 2, I can't get it any higher.
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