Damage Control returns >:D

image: logo_new

Yes we arise from the ashes that were called ddos attax & DB corruption !

Main Admins:
United States of America iPop
United States of America Luminous Silver
United States of America Frozenfire
Netherlands Walk!n Target

We are slowly building up to our standards again. We currently seek members and additional staff for:


- 1 Additional Coder for website (php or c++ or something else but prefer php ;P )
- 1 Moderator for the ET division.
- 1 scrimteam leader for the ET division.
- 9 members for the ET team.
- 1 Moderator for the L4D division.


- Nice attitude.
- lolling on vent + servers. >:)
- skill level doesn't matter.

dcGaming has divisions among:
- Wolfenstein Enemy Territory
- Gary's Mod
- Counterstrike : Source
- Left4Dead

Our current community consist of: nice people, experts from every scene, and some lovely admins <3

We do not play comps as for now, but perhaps with some motivated people we can change that,

If you feel you want to play your fav game with Damage Control, feel free to msg me and discuss to have your own division. Condition is that you ofc have gppd knowledge of the game and perhaps an own server.

contact :
xfire: caradhas
mail : [email protected]
website: www.dcgaming.org
you want to code a homepage with c++ ?
they will publish an .exe file on their website ;D
gl Walkin <3
gl walking if you need back up ... :D
gl Walkin
Ugly banner.
cg_draw2D "1"
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