Recruitment of 2 players

Hello Crossfire,

we, wtfbbq , are looking for 2 players.
We are looking for 1smg player (doesnt matter whether you want to play medic, engi or fops)
and 1rifle player (but if there are two super nice smg players who are willing to join us than i try to handle the rifle (standart rifles can be learned+you can get the feeling for it imo)).
You should be around medskilled (we prefer a player with lower aim but nice teamplay and gamesense to an ego rambo player).
You should be mature of course and not whining in vent that i can't hear my gamsounds anymore (and no 14yo boys arent mature).
We are 4 germans so it would be nice if you are able to speak german too.
And don't be an obvious hax0r!
If there is any player who wants to join for playing as backup you are welcome too.
In the main lineup are:

So if you are interested contact me here or you can also join #wtfbbq
QuoteAnd don't be an obvious hax0r!

its ok if they are a hacker and not obvious?
if they are hackers i/we can't find it out!
love those meaningful posts every recruitment post ...
i have no life what else am i ment to do but spam recuitment posts
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