Polish pcw-opponent was fishy...

I thought that their player, arcz! was hacking, his "random"-prediction riflenades were just so precise all the time. I decided to check his guid, just if it comes out handy, and guess what I saw...


After I mentioned it to him, he said "SRYYYY I WAS SUPPOSED TO INSTAL ET AGAIN!" or something else really weird, wasn't impressed. I still wasn't sure if this was hax, a bug or just a pair of perfoheisers, so I did some google-backchecking, if it was a bug I'm unaware of, and only found that line on a manual of a hax... So I guess it's kinda clear.

\o/ My first one! I love myself now <3 \o/
Hell yeah. U busted him. But without any guid....? Or is he a known player?
Even if he was, no-one would do anything anyways, just don't play against these guys.
I know :) But I am just too lazy to lead a list with all these players and clans...
good morning nub! how many random pub players u catch this week?
Ah man u was my first one. Im still proud of it. But hey it wasn't me who busted you. I just tried to get some Attention & Fame. And mate, you can't annoy me now anymore with OC Group 3. We are swichted to 2nd now \O/. I go to get some coffee now...I wish u a wonderful day :)
a-link ftw !
b-link>jouw a-link mofo
kerel nee man, ik pak ze desnoods alleen !
who did say polishs are retards?
Its chapljas private bot, converted and released by nC some days ago.

btw thats its default .ini file:

ksformat=^0[^3NEXUS^0] ^nowned ^1>^7[n]^1< ^0| ^nSpree: ^1[c] ^0| ^nTotal: ^1[t] ^1[m]
u know to much man, fucking cheater
at least I dont try to hide it, and btw why do you think I got an nC avatar?


ur sentence should be: u know to[o] much

learn english
too many "btw" in that post imo
btw thats true, btw ur color is btw rly ugly, and btw do I care btw?
changing 2 lines of readme is something you call CONVERTING? image: wall_head_hit

private? whoever told you that doesen't seem to be informed very well

released by you? give me a break, it was released to PUBLIC on another forum before some of you thought "HEY, LETS LEAK 'CHAPS PVT' BOT!" :D
so whats the actual story, they just converted eth?
he is known in pol chans - 12 yr old "Arturek" (sounds like 9 yr old) without skills... #konewka.team <--- u'll find him there
goddamn linux users :-)
Well.. next time write in console pb_plist and see the pbguid.... then yawn blablabla
I did find his yawn with nick... And there's "arturek" and konewka-tag in the list too, so it's prolly the same. I know I messed up tho', but I think this is one of those "#care"-cheaters so it really doesn't matter I guess...
your cfg sux ...
Your comments suK ...
thnx 2 chaplja and other cheat developers for ruining the game.
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