Need Detective skillz

Many Names many PB Guids one ET Pro Guid hf @ find some one CB Players...
noone cares that guy is from chile :)
with 98 ping on cybergames ? not rly
might be some bug whatsoever (etpro guids are not unique, check griim's guid).
might aswell be a default spoof-guid from a random cheat though.
not much you can do.
i got the same bug, sometimes ET changes mine ETproguid but after reboot its fine again
seems that yawn db is upside down. there are nicks listed with my pbguid as well with my etpro guid which i never used, playing on servers i never saw before. and no, they don't have red warnings ;)
i had 2 etpro guids on 1CPU ;F its rly bug , ;F
that you have 2 guids on one !!!!CPU!!!! is really weird, idd.
not rly, sometimes using hamachi and stuff just bring you more than 1 etguid.
I have 3 or 4 nicknames listed in total on yawn from the 2 etpro guids that I've ever had. That's kinda odd, considering I've most definitely used more than 4 names in my ET career, considering all the funky tags I've made up and just weird nicknames in general while playing mixes :O Is that another fault in yawn or...?
Yes it must be a bug, some people even have 5 PB guids on 1 ETpro guid.
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