9800 GTX or 8800 GTS

I heard those 2 graphic cards are almost the same.

9800GTX- 220€
8800GTS- 199.99€

And i dont have 2 6-pin connectors...


buy 9800gtx and new power supply (+100€)
buy 8800GTS and hf?

image: 01002125109l
9800gtx- 512 mb core clock: 675hz, memory clock: 2200hz

image: a080612_L
8800gts- 512 mb core clock: 650hz, memory clock: 1940hz

thx for help and have a nice evening!
you heard wrong, its the 9800GT / 8800GT which are almost the same
8800GT is better than GTS btw
GT _was_ better than the old GTS

new GTS is better than GT
hmm its true. but i don't see a major different, and 8800GT is hell more cheap
GT 512 MB > GTS 320 or 640 MB (g80 technology)


GT 512 MB < GTS 512 MB (g92 technology)

if im right

I've got a BFG 8800 GTS 512 MB and it just pwnz hard
yes you are right but it's around 5 fps more, and it pwns, except for games such as far cry & crysis :O
nah far cry ins't a problem for this card, crysis sucks a bit (you can't play it on full graf or so but nothing spec)
i can play on full, but on 1280x1024, and i didnt try far cry yet
got the 8800gts 512 and its awesome :)

but my new notebook will habe a 9800GS .. but isn´t comperable with the desktop 9800 :(
take 9800gtx ...
Not taking ATi is a retarded choice :P.

anyway, the 9800GTX+ is really better than the 8800GTS
9800 gtx for sure
I have the 8800 GTS, its good
9600 GT 512MB - EPIC WIN
9800gtx for sure no doubt D:
GTX 260 - 300euro
he wants something for 200 euros and you are saying he should buy GTX 260 for 300? mhm... I think 3xGTX 280 would be a better choice! ofc + nforce 790i/ultra motherboard
he didnt say his budget is 200 euros :P
he didn't, but he didn't ask about some other (more expensive) gfx, so I think he only wants to know which one is a better choice :P

anyway, I can be wrong
4870 ,obviously..
i think the better choose is HD 4850 (better quality/price atm) but if u only wanna a nvidia take 9800 GTX
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