Pur1ty Cless!!

About me

  • Skill: Low/+
  • Communication: I have mIRC, vent, TS, xfire. I speak United Kingdom/Netherlands.
  • Age: 16
  • Classes: Fieldops/Medic/Rifle (I would need to have some pracs with rifle).
  • Yawn: Clean.
  • Avi: I play at random times

About you [/b]
  • Skill: Low+
  • United Kingdom speaking/Belgium team.
  • no Ex/Hackers
  • Vent server.
guut lak
from the old =SC= clan with beef etc ?
No, I was a friend of beef though, I used to be in #MFK# with Beef, pimpmole and greenmist
as i remeber you owned like hell at that etpub server:P
Yea But I took a break for 1/1.5 year :D
GL finding !:)

finally someone not saying hes high+++
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