
I am back from university and looking for a clan. Have previously played for subtilitas, 2xtreme and others. I am available every evening whenever needed, and my skill level would probably be around med due to inactivity for the past 13 weeks, although improvement would obviously be fast.

more info here: http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=forum&mode=item&id=16724

pm me at #subtilitas
The best of luck for a fine player and a very friendly guy, if you find a team let me know and share you british bastard :D

Thanks mate of course i will!
Hello mate i do apologize for disappearing before, my pc broke about 2 days before i went to university, only just got back home where i can finally use one again fulltime!
np mate, c ya @ irc
gl skilledboi
GL mate, skilled player for show!
seriously, you got sexxed in the milk mate!

i wish you all the best; gluck finding a decent team
gl dtsje i wish you for the best :)

flip the burgers btw
nice player ! gl
good lad, take him in <3
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