Need 6v6 team (med)

Hi i want a 6v6 team to play again. I stopped et a year ago and just started again.
Im around med.
I'm playing again for 1-2 weeks, (some 3v3 and 6v6 funwars with rodcad-Player and rodcad-prydz).

pm me
rodcad can gtfo
:) I know why your mad. You've been owned by them, aren't you?
Rodcad ownzzzz!
no, their just egotistical faggots, searching high because they play with overload, they played with zeto hacking, and they still managed to lose a map to us.
Belgium Rodcad Prydz
Belgium Rodcad Playyer #rodcad-gaming

awww int dat nice.
rodcad-lio = lio.OVERLOAd ?
i have heard that lio is busted isnt he?
no, i heard it was some kind of mistake. But if you wanna be sure, ask it to prydz or player, they know everything about their players.
what about to quit again?
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