I'm going to buy new gpu-> Asus 9800GTX+ and i want to know will GTA IV run smooth with this specs (1280x1024) :

Intel C2D e6300@ 1.86 GHz
3GB ddr2

I know the cpu is weak but i have Siemens' computer and i cant overclock it in bios! Is there any program for stuff like this?

thx4help and have a nice evening <3

now i have 7900GS and i play @ 800x600 and its laggy only when its raining.
play it on ps3
You can buy mine for 250 + gta4
image: fail
its still better solution buy new graphic card then cpu imo.
We could not determine your exact system so we can't tell if your computer can run this product. Please review all the information below in the details section to try and make the evaluation yourself.

i have it and it runs pretty well.
now wai :C Ive got AMD x2 3ghz and overclocked gf 260gtx 812 mb and have like
25/45 fps . uber high details but no shadows and draw distance is smallest possible,
basicly this game requires both strong CPU 4 cores and best GPU on the market to give you
smooth image all the time.
will be atleast more smoother then with 7900GS?
ofcourse :D game is smart enough to get you the best setting you can have on your rig.
omg, buy console - any problems with new games. -,-
buy it for ps3!
image: wjt28o

get a quad core and a decent graphic card (an nvidia 8800 costs on ebay more or less 150 € nothing impossible)
Whit your Intel C2D e6300@ 1.86 GHz ...will be prety hard :P
id say after 2 hours surfing on internet and irl rolling, No.
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