Need CC6 mix low team

Admin ( helps sometimes to get a decider round xD )
nice english skillz
pretty good rifle ( look at ETTVoD Team Randoms vs Impact Gaming )


Want to attend CC6 to have some fun games and some funtimes
no whiners :p

Need more info ? pm me or check out my profile

gl 13yrs ! :D
i would come but i am to scared.

(15:41:28) (stheno-twnzy) I know baboony. Cu @ lan :D
take him, you prolly get on a pic with kitty then!
wtf really, about 5 months till next CC ...
is there any date yet? and some details? if there are no qualifiers expect some random low mix from bd to attend :D maybe we need someone then xD
QuadV saied in the first week of april
all kankerhomos idle #team-randoms, still need 3 to finish the lineup! You have to be low and we prefer dutchspeaking ppl or rly nice ppl like the old foreign randoms players.

/q me
gl ana :D
he got best mousepad ever
did one of these "omg cpc/cdc yesterday was so cool we will found new team to go there"-teams rly attend?
u mean like Team Randoms .... ? yes we did attend, and yes we lost all

no, it wasnt founded after cdc4 afaik!? correct me if im wrong
and thats not the point i meaned. maybe im raping your post, but its sick how ppl are looking for teams if they are just back (or just quitted an ettv-server) from cpc. look in the threads of last days

the date wasnt even confirmed and everyone is sure to go there and to get a team 6 months before
well its simple

as an admin i already know the date, if im able to go, dno, time will tell...

But doesnt mean u can already start to form teams and have some praccies n shit :)
good luck :>
gL my Anaconda<333
thx, sexy chick in ur profilepic btw :p

np xDD

hehe yeye :)
gl Ana(L)conda =D
annoying rifle!!! :O
gl Anaconda
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