
there will be any update or patch connected with heartbeats problem?
cheatbeats lol
Use the searchfunction.
omg i did every possible option to solve it ...
not yet.
ask santa.
bauahahhahah fucking not funny
There have been a couple of new PB updates and some players are being kicked due to it.

Ive been digging information out as much as possible and believe the problem to be a firewall issue. PB is unable to communicate with some peoples computers due to their firewall settings.

There have been about three known PB messages which say something like

"Heartbeats stopped" , "Handshakes failed" and another initialization error,

PB is NOW running as a service (process) When you start BF2, your firewall needs to accept a service called PnkBstrB.exe which is in your PB folder.

If you go into your Trend, Norton, or Macafee firewall settings, add the above PnkBstrB.exe as a trusted service using the add button

Just updating your psetup.exe is not enough.
I have agreed all pb files in my norton firewall and done some to Windows's firewall( it even ain't online) and yet it kicks, so I think it is not about firewall.
i have service pack 2 and accepted pnkbstrB.exe :/ maybe sp2 is a problem?
Still happens with me, I'm running sp3.
do you have the same routers maybe? It has got to be something common or we all would have it. I have norton and sp3 never been kicked? with a cheap shitty BT modem :D
Might be.

I'm using;

image: SB5100_34_white

Motorola SB5100
same here, so modem shouldn't be the problem
n/c for evenbalance rly
dont think its about firewall,
got them also with both my antivirus + windows firewall off.
check router firewall settings if ur router has a firewall (if it does disable it then try)
dont have anythin like that :(
i heard there was a STICKY with every possible solutions but i cant find it. its deleted or sth? And i am using SpeedTouch USB
please give me every idea !!!!!!!!!
after kick vid_restart -> pb_security 0 -> pb_sleep 500 works for me.
dont work lol, and stop posting that stupid stuffs that are so usless. U wont get atm solution i guess, but im waiting at evenbalance with trubble ticket more then one month and still them didnt figured out whats prob.
Start of ticket:
11/18/2008 20:35:37 - "Aniq3"

And im still waiting to get right solution for this problem. Im asking myself many times why just some ppl getting this error and others dont get it. Its also strange that im getting this error only on etpro and not on others modes. So yh unit i get right answer from evenbalance i think we will simple need to deal with this shit. If anyone want i can give some answers from ticket that might help to someone.
after the problem => /vid_restart => /pb_security 0 => /pb_sleep 500

it works for me only at cybergames :/
would reinstalling pb work? i have had the same problem and reinstalling et made no difference and i havent heard about any solution :(
nah doesnt work, i tried it also. Reinstall pb, reinstall et, formated pc and everything else that i got in my mind but nothin doenst work.
I hope them will soon figured out whats prob with this, cuz its really annyoing when u get kicked middle of war for this.
Same thing to me Aniq3. I did all the stuff u did and still get heartbeat shit. Killing the unnecessary process in task manager worked? Im sorry by the noob question but, which are the unnecessary process???
pm me with ur xfire or irc and we will try smth out :)
fuck evenbalance i wish u all death :/
heartbeats is fuckedup!
time to wait i guess for new pb update or dunno what xD.
i just hope i will get soon answer from evenbalance
guys i fixed it. i killed every unnecessary process in task manager and it work fine finally !
what i still dont understand why some people are affected by heartbeats problem and some are not at all.
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