pc problem

i have this problem with my pc when im using my pc for a like an hour my screen just goes black and thats it the lights of my screen and computer are still on and i just need to wait 5 mins and i can turn it on again some guy said my graphics card was broken anybody any other ideas before i buy a new 1?

edit: when i play ET it does after like 10 mins
sorry, dont know
It's energy saving :P just go to Screensaver options -> energy something and disable "stand by?"
no not really because it does it when im working with my pc
So I have no idea then
do you hear sounds while the screen is black?:<
my sound doesnt go off but i freezes like when you lag
check GPU temps with GPU-Z
whats GPU-Z?
download it, start it, click on sensors and check the temp
its says GPU memory and core nothing about temp at sensor
no TAB called "sensors" at the top? :S
yes i understand that i already was at sensor but there wasnt anything about temp
check the temperatures
graphiccard options and change ur hertz lower of ur screen ->60hertz
He wouldn´t be able to get onto desktop or play ET at all if the frequency was too high.
its your screen not the graphic card
Sounds like gfx-card or cpu is overheating,
open your case and check the coolers.
its not overheated for sure because it started when i started my pc when it had been of for like 24 hours
Well, then don´t take a minute to look after it and let it burn, your decision :)
It´s just a guess but I would check it...
checked it no hotter than normal
Member For: 2 days

who are u?:CCC
you have to buy a new computer i think, or you could try with new screen only to begin with. But I had the same problem with an old computer. When I ran programs that included animations or so, it froze after a random time, and I had to turn it off and on again. Really really annoying!

So it might be because the grapich card is broken too, but the safest thing is just to buy a whole new computer =)
Lol svele!!
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