akw3l / Jjah need a team !!

Hie !

akw3l / Jjah

French player aged of 18

I can speak eng/fra

low+/med- skill. Playing since 2007

medic, inge

Lookin' for a euro or french clan active

pme on crossfire or on #crossfire : Jjah_

PS: I'M NOT BUSTED : http://www.yawn.be/findPlayer.yawn?gamecode=ET&etproGuid=0288EA4DC16D72BA6AD1519BD718A35C2BF502D4
Bonne chance mon brave.

(he's busted as qate)
xIN I'd like you to learn to read a yawn plese. qate faked akwel when he was COS, this is the reason why qate's bust includes the nick of akwel.
He is CLEAN.
Et va donc te faire foutre a pourrir le post d'un type de la sorte, tu te prend pour qui ?
"Member For: 3 months and 21 days"

Next time, try to use "reply" :)
Because Crossfire is the own ET community? And because before registering on crossfire he couldn't play ?
please get brain fucking dumbass
Thanks dJzQi :). It's christmas in 4 days, Xin buy a brain and glasses.
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