Pb error...... #2

Ive been getting punk buster problems also, even though Ive been playing ET for a long time i topped playing for a week cuz my computer had some kind of virus now its all fixed.. i keep getting kicked for "corrupt packet flow" and sometimes for unknown reasons... i updated my Pb millions of times but nothing helped.. i uninstalled ET and deleted all its files now when i join a cant a message like couldn't load official pak file, please make sure your..... idk something is updated to the latest version? ... i dont know what to do a anymore =/ i have also been being kicked and it says Disconnected for unknown reason: Not connected to a server please help me, what does this mean?

sry for English, i was in a hurry :x
anti us-people update =D

turn ur firewall of and try it again.
how do i turn it off =x
windows security center..enable/disable firewall

load this,all my probs r fixed after installed this et.
include all mods and warmaps.
does it work?
i had to install .6 and .6b over again also
Server Disconnected - PunkBuster kicked player 'Darky' (for 0 minutes) . . . RESTRICTION: Service Communication Failure: PnkBstrB.exe initialization failed :< what do i do to fix this =/
couldn't load official pak file

if you're getting this message, i believe it is because your executing an et file that doesn't excist, or something. If you haven't tried to reinstall after that again, I would recommend that. With a clean ET it shouldn't be any problem, just make sure to patch correctly and update pb of course. And you could check if your anti-virus program is allowing et to be executed. To do that, check for program settings when you have opened the anti-virus window.

Hope it helps, know how frustrating it can be when ET doesn't work! ^^
well i fixed all that, now everytime i actually get onto a server it says Server Disconnected - PunkBuster kicked player 'Darky' (for 0 minutes) . . . RESTRICTION: Service Communication Failure: PnkBstrB.exe initialization failed

as i said, make your self completely sure that there are no programs that are blocking pb from running properly. and ofcourse update pb, allthough i asume you already did that..

and you have used this aye?: http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?page=pbsetup.php
hey problems fixed :D i can play again, thanx for the help bro
would be nice to hear how you solved it? :P so i know the issue the next time.

Hope it was for help, allthough you probably solved it yourself ;)
i still get kicked sometimes for Server Disconnected - PunkBuster kicked player 'Darky' (for 0 minutes) . . . RESTRICTION: Service Communication Failure: PnkBstrB.exe initialization failed

:> i was playing fine last night for like 3 maps... and this morning on cybergames...then when i joined a priv server i got kicked... lol
i had to reinstall .6 and .6b over... i thought my router was blocking pb but i think i turned the security off... beacuse i was playing it fine like i said.. but all of a sudden im getting kicked =/
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