mousemat (need urti)

ahoiej! Hmm.. So I'm looking for a mousemat for G5. After I found out that the sticky movement of mouse wasnt cuz of firmware inside the mouse it has to be mousemat! On the table it moves almost normally but on mat it does some weird shit.

I have Qck+ and Xray Aqua which im using now.

So plz Crossfire ppl Pimp my journal and gimme some tips!


e: oh and it has to be big!
Got the g5 aswell, with the "Razer Mantis Control" as pad, pretty nice actually !
and it's 44cm wide :-)
Since im with workcomputer is that how big? :d
44cm/35cm ..
i'll check that mat when im at home! thx
it's pretty awesome :d
I'd rather go with the Razer Mantis Speed because FPS shooters usually require you to have a rather low sens so you move your mouse faster and more often.
The Control edition is rather for high sens gamers.
It wears off pretty quick and gets really smooth pretty fast depending on how much you play.
I have mine for almost a year now and it hasn't so far. And I can tell you that I do play a lot.
Bad mouse maybe? ;)
I was assuming exactmat is petty much the same, mine wore down pretty fast on both sides using S&S Padsurfers and I don't even ply much :(
No, the exactMat is totally different. I had it, too, but you're right it doesn't last very long.
Well since the control side is the same as the smooth side now I guess I'm just gonna wait for it to die and see if I can get my old funcmat F10.s somewhere, seems like it disapeared or is totally overpriced :(
hmm ye might be, got a pretty low sens aswell, but works fine :-)
Everglide Titan. If your mouse still acts weird on it I advise you to raise your sens or buy a normal mouse. (read: no laser)

Edit: I'm currently testing the NOIDpad. It's a bit faster than a Qpad CT, kinda has the same surface though and I really hope it doesn't wear out in no time.
there He is! :P And i'll read something from that mat after im home! And sensrise is huge step :) but now home ->
if you want the everglide titan you can better buy a 2 euro pad from a noobstore.. doenst make a different ... atelast it didnt make a different for me
Those 2 Euro pads are usually a lot smaller and wear out pretty fast as well :-P
mine was a present for whole salers from nVidia, and it's just fine:P
(but only usefull for high sense --> ca 20*25cm)^^
i only needed a few cm ;D and i used mine for almost 2 years,.. till some1 told me to get an other pad and i would be pro in no time. So bought the everglide titan... well guess.. it didnt make me pro ;p
Pffffff, Everglide Titan-hater. Got it for 2 years now and still working as the best.
custom one? :D
Custom ones are a pain because you have to send them a 2400*1700 picutre, evolution is the nicest imo.
not rly hard to make a cool/funny 2400x1700 picture + you always may interpolate lower picture
True, but it's hard to know how well it will print on a mousemat. I made a custom one but I prefer the evolution because it printed out a lot better even though my design was greater than 2400*1700

image: keyboard

Edit : also there is an Asus laptop with a shitty G5 in it as well xD
nais stealing ma mouse :{

I tried changing the cable with a G5 but the cable connector is the wrong size, and the green and red wire are the wrong way round on the razer wires. :x

Any way to switch them?
pull them out of that connector and swap them?
like image: c3534f513d0c
Each one is attached with a tiny bit of solder, so did you not switch the connectors but instead solder them directly?
razer wire & mx518 wire werent soldered O_o
I only had to swap 3 wires on each mouse' connector(they're the same) to swap the cables
where from are these wires? Oo
Left g5 right mx518
weird ;[ got the same connectors in mx518, razer DB 3G & ikari optical, just different wire sequence
image: dc4cb256dd32
I'll switch the connectors over if I can prize them open. Then it will be allright.
Na, I took the plain green one. No idea what it's called exactly :-P
Noid Green funnily enough :P

You prefer it to everglide titan?
Ye I do. Well, incase it doesn't wear out too fast that is :p

The Titan is too slow for me (but it's prolly still the #1 cloth mat for low sens ppl) and I only need like 1/3 of the NOIDpad anyway :-P
When I used to play high sens ( ~7cm for 180) I did notice wear on my mousemats fairly quickly, especially on Qck and etc due to using the same area of the mousemat all the time.

Since I am using a lower sens now ( ~22cm for 180) and most of my palm now is on the mouse, mousemat wear is hardly an issue anymore.

I really like the noidpad in terms of its surface and glide. Also the grip on the back pretty much keeps it in the same place on my glass desk was an issue with my Qpad CT as I press down fairly hard on my mousemat when I shoot.
my experience with g5 was that it was the best mouse so far: better than mx310 or mx518 which last i totally dislike
don't listen to that russian spy!
The noid is wearing out slower than qpads. Got my custom one since october and it's still usable, and even a QPAD 1st generation cant last this long :D.
I didnt feel a change in the glide like i could do with the qpad, it's only a slight change.

The only problem is, with the custom one, the thickness of the "colored" layer on the pad. Black color is really thin while white is a lot bigger and you can feel the difference between the 2. Now that the pad is a bit worn out, it feels quite better. (I made a black and white pad, i should've known :/)
got my noid pad for a half year now and it didnt wear out at all.

untill now, i tried to clean it with warm water and a cloth, but somehow i rubbed the dust inside the pad and i dont how how to get it out :<
well maybe I was careless and I should have tried to wash it like you told me you were ! (I used only hyperglides on it so I guess it doesnt come from the feet)

I guess there's no way to get that dust out of your pad without damaging it (maybe an electrostatic cloth ?). But eh, half a year is pretty good for a cloth pad :)
used antistatic cloth for carleather and always worked fine, but i lost them and used normal cloth :<
take razer destructor or steelseries S&S
razer destructor
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