What's the best 19" monitor for gaming?

I'm looking to buy a new monitor, definitely looking for a 19" with no widescreen. I would be mostly using this monitor for gaming and a internet use only. My budget is around 300€ , but I'm willing to spend a little bit more if it's good value. Any suggestions? * (Samsung preferred but not favor), experienced - etplayers 8D opinions pl0x!1

€: LCD screen, not a CRT.
i can only find an widescreen 19"
illyama prolite E1700S

good monitor for gaming :)

is very cheap here
but thats 17"
i ghave zeh 19''

in zeh netherlandzz
CRT monitors? :x
take a bit more money and buy 22"...
19inch? id say vision master pro 454

not just because i got 1 myself..
I forgot to mention LCD.
GET 22'' MONITOR WITH ARC (4:3 in widescreen technology)
like http://www.lge.com/products/model/detail/l227wt.jhtml
That's the one labeled as 0ms on digitalversus but some other tests said it actually has an average of 9.4ms input lag with a maximum of 20ms input lag with only a minimum of 0ms.
True - http://www.tftcentral.co.uk/reviews/lg_l227wt.htm so what's the best 19" and if speaking which one of 22" for gaming?
Explain 'arc' (huh?) 4:3 in widescreen technology pl0x!
image: 9a7f2a5ecc7b
If your input resolution is 4:3 it will automatically scale to the right aspect ratio in fullscreen with black empty side bars, so the visible area is about 19''.
As you can see on the photo the croshair is totally round (input reso is 1024x786) unlike on widescreens and 1280x1024 screens which have fucked up aspect ratio. However there's a little disadvantage - the image looks blurry at these non-native resolutions.
Also you may use 1280x1024 - then it will be shown pixel-to-pixel with black side bars and smaaaaall 13px top and bottom black bars. That's like native resolution, but still a bit fucked up aspect ratio @ ET.
And for modern games like cod you may always use 1680x1050 widescreen reso ;P
Andrey I <3 you, last question what about 1600x1200 and standart 3x4 on et? should it work on r_mode 9 (if i'm not wrong) the best?
lol nah, 1200px vertically is too much for a monitor which is only 1050px D:
It doesnt even allow me to set 1600x1200
Asking because I think I just found my dream screen, but the problem it is a standart 3x4 screen and has native resolution1600x1200 so on what r_mode/r_customw&h values I will be able to run et the best?
probably that's a good choice but are you sure that it will run 1600x1200 @75hz? coz 60hz is eyecancer @_@

r_mode 9 is all that you need, but tbh there's no sense in buying non-widescreen nowadays imo ;[
Even better, it will run at 85hz and what's up with widescreen? it seems only good for text and movies but for games like et? I dunno.
tbh they're much better for anything. Any 5yo or newer game should work fine while games like ET can be easily played on a widescreen, you just need to get used to it(like snoop and co) or use some monitor with ARC.
4:3 & 5:4 are dying
Thanks for help so far, I'm off to bed now gn8 m8.
By the way, any LCD on high resolution have to be connected via VGA to run stable 75hz because DVI can handle 60hz max, am I right?
ye, but still it can handle 1440x900@75hz.
A few more questions Andruha, your LG L226WTQ released around a year before LG L227WT, right? so what are the main differences between them? and btw how to change the ratio to 4:3 using ARC technology? is it like pressing on monitors panel button or something?
haven't compared them but 226 with old firmware doesn't have that ARC function(+ it's not written anywhere that it should be there). I was lucky to get one of the latest firmwares coz you can update it only at the service center ;p
So it's very risky to take 226 imo
Yeah, if buying no doubt I will go for a screen not lower than LG L227WT levels in technology and performance, now tbh from your experience are there any alternatives to L227WT or even better monitors which offer lowest input lag and response time for FPS games like Quake 3 & especially ET.
i only tried asus vw222u(my bro's) & lg l226wtq which are considered to be pretty good for gaming
That asus is rly one of the best 22'' monitors for games. Dunno about the input lag(imo it shouldn't be rly high), but responce time is very low and overdrive errors percentage is SOOO FUCKING RECORD LOW in comparison with other monitors that there's ABSOLUTELY NO ghosting ;P + it also has ARC so out of asus vw222u & LG L227wt i'd advice the asus one ;)
BTW I may be able to compare & check both screens for input lag tomorrow if my bro leaves
Yea sure do some comparing tests pl0x, I just can't wait to see the results and differences between them.

BTW, I found a nice review of Asus VW222U here (translated from german):

image: pa100511fx1

Looks like a superb screen according to you and the reviewer! 8D
yes it is, ask squally the LCD only boy :P

can't do input lag tests since my bro took the photocamera with him :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD
NP, maybe 2morrow? :O
he's back in 5 days or so ;d
Awww, where to? :o|
in the village to the relatives 500km away from moscow ;o
Well, maybe you can do the tests without taking photos? I mean inform me theoretically which monitor is better and so on. :[
ASUS is prolly better ;o
I found that even Squall is using that monitor so if you say he's LCD fanboi + still a good et aimer it must mean something :o|
Anyway I think I'm going to open another mini survey journal might be usefull, but again big thanks for your help <3
ye, you just switch it on at the menu and if the input signal aspect ratio is 4:3 it will automatically switch to it
One more thing, could you take some pictures of your desktop and crossfire main page on both monitors just to see the color/image quality differences and the main reason because I keep wondering if the images are not too stretched since I've never had any experience with bigger resolution than 1280 * 1024 and larger monitors than 19", much appreciated! <3
can't D:DDD
the colour is pretty easily adjusted so you can get the colour which suits you most, but ofc it's not as awesome as CRT or expensive S-IPS matrix monitors. Well that's monitor for games not for graphic design ;p
i may give you a screenshot, wait a sec
Okay, but take a screenshot of crossfire too pl0x!
Thanks, btw what's your desktop resolution?
lcd:1680x1050@60hz mostly used for webbrowsing & movies
crt:1024x768@120hz games
And no eyecancer playing and browsing under 60Hz like you've already said b4?
i don't play games on it since i've got a crt ;o
browsing web and watching movies is really awesome on a widescreen, but for competitive gaming 60hz is too small imo.That's not eyecancer, just too low framerate :E
your eyes won't hurt since there's no twinkling like on crt monitors :P
I know but why suffering with 60Hz when you can easily connect the monitor via VGA and run it on 75Hz, in spite of the fact DVI locks Hz at 60 it gives better quality and better technology overall, am I right?
i has benq 19 normal
Samsung Syncmaster 931C <3
It looks nice. I'm planning to buy http://www.enaa.com/oddelki/racunalnistvo/Assets/product_images/Samsung_SyncMaster_LCD_2043NW_20_srebrn.jpg and then hang it on the wall, what do you think about it?
I thought the same, especially when it hangs on the wall.
Samsung SyncMaster 2263DX for 320€

but its 22"

dont buy a 19" anymore...
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