XP wont shutdown (help!)

When i try to turn of my pc i get the blue win screen (win is shutingdown) but it does not turn off it just stays. i have to use reset and then hit the power button to turn of my pc.
wtf is this shit :( help plz.
btw i do not haz this problem with linux so its not hardware.
image: baghdadbob_microsoft
aliens !!!!!!!! run
get linux
Best comment on crossfire.nu since its release.
i'm happy that you agree ! :D
Same here. :D
try to get ccleaner and fix your registry errors... might help..
All those TuneUp-Utilities simply fuck up your Computer. They delete RegistryKeys which they don't know so they obviously are "uselsess". Keep away from those programs!
no tuneup utilities is shit, ccleaner is not.
ccleaner is one of the best 1s around, tbh
wow. it fucks up ur registry the best.gratz
just shut up if you dont know where ur talkin bout
Shut up hes linux nerd and he knows what hes talking about!!
ok. im off to bed now, night!! :(
:D I just woke up but gn.
Believe me, i know what I'm talkin about, you better go sleep and shut up cunt.
ccleaner is great tbh, no problems at all, it makes your pc faster :]
Ye? So you claim that you know what Ccleaner does and know that it only makes your computer faster? ;)
agreed, you can edit your registry yourself otherwise set it back to default.
All those programs are one big joke. CCleaner is OK, but it won't fix your pc.
The most common things I use is Windows System Repair or just a format.
These are still the best options imo ;)
chainsaw is the only solution :o
mayB U need 2 check Ur PC coz of trojan, virus and stuff ....

... check and clean with:

sometimes (rootkit or sh1t like this) U need 2 SWITCH OFF - systemrecovery (system and then recover on all HDD-drives DISABLED !!! )

and .... turn PC of with ALT+F4 not with reset-button / standby-mode ... I got probs with this in the past. so, always shut down 'the right way'.

gl n hf in 2009

IMPORTAND: if you got probs and need reboot - DO NOT REBOOT - SWITCH PC OFF !!!! wait min of 10 sec - than boot again COZ of bad code in memory !
Install Linux
Best comment on crossfire since its release.
Probably the the most straight-forward long lasting solution at least. Linux > * > Windows any day, any time
True word mate!
What Distro are you using?
I'm using ubuntu for my workstations and debian on my previous servers
I dislike Ubuntu!
I'm using Sidux and Backtrack. Best Distro's so far. ;)
try ccleaner & malwarebytes
get vista
Press the shutdown button on tower..
shut down all the power.
push and hold ur powerbutton till ur computer go off...
trojan :D
I had that problem on SP2, had to install SP3 for GTA4 and it seems to have fixed it - its just the sysfader not working properly, a quick fix is just ctrl + alt + del and end the sysfader task and shutdown again. If this isnt the issue then I dont know ;-)
cmd => shutdown -f
use your computer as a server
use the button on the power supply
leave it on.
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