My lag problem

I get spikes every few seconds (shown in video)

Things I've tried:

Moving closer to router
New Wireless card
Updated Graphic drivers
Disk Defrag
Uninstall Everything not being used
Reinstalling ET
Playing with default config (video)
Plugging ethernet from computer to router

It only happens with ET (both installs) and RTCW. All other games (such as cs) run flawlessly.
Maybe u press a Button and that comes( hade the same when i press ready since ago )
try setting et or pb to a higher priority in task manager
wireless? could be the wireless zero configuration service causing this
update: Did virus/spyware scan, removed alot of stuff. Still no luck
format c:\
won´t help, same problems here since one pb update months ago...(tried almot everything, weak connection + et pb = fail :/ )
Oh noez :/ Write a PB ticket, best I could think of if you can't find anything here or on google
hehe tried that already. They gave me a standard copy&paste answer. I´ve answered them that i tried all their tips and that the same problem still exist, and then they didn´t answer again...
Well, spyware causes lag, nothing new to me xD

PnkBstrA scans port 44301
PnkBstrB scans port 45301

both even without playing, gg ^^

pb_Sleep 500
rate 25000
cl_maxpackets 40
if u play under wireless this is normal. Nothing new for me cus i use it too sometimes and this u read also wseintpacket: ERROR in console ?
what psychee said and also pb_security 0. If still no luck check if b_optimizedprediction 1 and com_hunkmegs 128 or more are enabled.
Welcome to Punk Buster ...
it happens on non-pb servers too
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