Team BE's captain?

What is going on with team Belgium Belgium and their captain?
As most of you probably know, captains are trying to get as much support as they can from their friends. So in my case, I can vote for different Belgan applicants.
Most known applicant ~ Anaconda ~ says that he should be the captain for our country again, because "He has been the captain for the past 2 seasons and he did it well. And that most people in BE ET scene know him."

What makes me writing this post?
What you perhaps don't know is what Anaconda is trying to do. I'll explain it.
Anaconda his line-up is already filled in with two names: acid and lio. And you all know the story behind overload. Although, some people say that they didn't cheat themselves. Actually they did play with the other players of overload. And they did know they were cheating. It's now up to the other Belgian players to show you that Belgium isn't only about overload anymore.
Just because they aren't banned on clanbase, they should get punished into the community. So, in my opinion, no one of us should play anymore against them. Although this is a little bit irrelevant.

Hm, yeah. So?
"Do you want to see some refreshment in the Belgian team? Are you sick that year after year the same people get elected and other good players don't get the opportunity to even say something? Do you want every Belgian player to be able to give their opinion on the team without getting flamed?"
This is what Belgium spiROZE also wants.

And now?
If you support spiROZE in his view of the Belgian squad, just vote for him on clanbase. It isn't just a chance to change the Belgian players, it is also a chance to change the Belgian reputation, of being assholes, flamers and big whiners.

I would like to say thank you for reading this interesting post about who should be the captain of team Belgium.

PS. I wrote this in English, that everyone know what's going on. And because there are different parts in Belgium, Wallonia - Flandres.
PSS. NP: Rihanna - Good Girl Gone Bad
PSSS. Random pic: None, this is really a serious post :x
PSSSS. Have a nice day.

Belgium sAm.
loel, serious business!
it looks exactly like team France France ...
"copinage" !
always the same :<
Anaconda > All

Btw the flaming was mainly vila...
LOEL, nice, riveting text!
Rhand ofc

sorry, but I don't agree. I prefer seeing these guys on ettv than some random new talents. I don't think any of the applicants has nearly enough experience as Anaconda, and I guess he will be objective about this and will at least consider another people applying for the team. with the overload scandal, the variety of available AND skilled players has dropped down low anyway, which means that most of the team will have to be filled with fresh blood no matter what
This isn't about skill...
eh ? anyone is free of guilt unless proven otherwise. in case they fail to back this up with solid evidence, they should be more than welcome to play in the team. and what makes you think that they were even informed about their mates cheating.. acid seemed to be the only guy with the least bit of intellect anyway
"anyone is free of guilt unless proven otherwise"

This is 100% true , and I agree with you on this one, but I just dont get it why the hell would they confess then
acid and lio , afaik, didnt confess xD
Oki, my bad didn't know that, I thought that the others claimed that they hacked aswell... Still its hard for me to believe that
They were bashing mamut and bb in pracs with 8-0 etc... And they were laughing their asses off on ventrilo, so yes, they knew at least some of them were cheating.
If they did that, then its obvious some were cheating cuz we raped them hard, and made em cry
The only person you make crying is your mom.
Because she saw your picture?
You shouwed your mom my picture? :D
i was browsing google > mongols.
Gast, dan heb je ook geen leven.:D
go play with kaptenski :<
on a trip + army soon :(
I'm the obvious best choice, even spiroze himself voted for me.
Belgium smelgium, nothing to offer.
Sorry, but get your info straight ... I never said they were in the mainlineup for sure ... :)

I love this e-biznizz though :-)
That doesnt matter, everything whats written on the internet is true... So u said it :D
Team Luxembourg will win NationsCup tbh
Dumbass : its obvious that with main lineup, i also mean, the normal lineup, wtf
Line-up: every player who's able to play in view of the captain.
Main line-up: only 6 players (in 6v6) who are able to play against another team (country)

I don't get it why I'm a dumbass :<
Gast ...

For me, lineup and mainlineup is the same ...
To put it in your version : i meant lineup ... happy now ?

Damn, zeker ne limburger é
Anaconda, you know what I meant. But you just didn't get my point. No problem for me, but you don't have to be angry.

PS. I'm from 'Antwerp', de Kempen.
Im angry when people post wrong info ;) no offence
Welcome to the internet xD
Quote by AxCel on 03/01/09, 13:55:10That doesnt matter, everything whats written on the internet is true... So u said it :D

gij se pesterik
right = right ;)
[dutch] Kijk e anaconda. Het gaat mij er niet om dat ge niet goed uw best zou doen, want daar kan niemand naast kijken. Ge hebt het tot nu toe al fantastisch gedaan. Maar mij baart het gewoon zorgen dat ge nu deze twee personen zou willen laten spelen. Dat is al :)
Willen , ja, maar dat stond nog totaal ter discussie, ze wiste allemaal goe genoeg, da ik da totaal nog nie beslist had, want ik weet zelfs nog altijd nie wie van die 2 wel degelijk zouden willen spelen ...

maar als die kindjes van een fif gasten radicaal wille doen, kan ik er ook nieveel meer aan doen é ...
Lio is e beest zeg ik u, e beest!
[dutch] Ik heb goei bronne ze!
ge hebt just nix, een paar kindjes ja
Quote by anacondamaar als die kindjes van een fif gasten radicaal wille doen, kan ik er ook nieveel meer aan doen é ...

Misschien voelen er enkelen zich bedrogen omdat ze nooit een kans hebben gekregen om zich te bewijzen.
jonge, ze wiste met 4, da ze dr bij mochten ... nie zeveren é vriend :)
[dutch] Blijkbaar snapt ge nog altijd mijn punt niet. Het gaat hier niet over FIF, het gaat over het feit dat lio & acid er niet bij zouden mogen.
jonge, lees u post dervoor, ge zijt echt retarded é :P
[dutch.] Als er hier iemand achterlijk zou zijn, dan ben ik het in ieder geval niet. U was het, die over FiF begon, en dat kwam niet langs mijn zijde.
mijn punt is : fif en anderen zijn degene die met deze shit begonnen ... niet ik ...

Dan komt gij janke da ze zich bedroge voelde omda ze geen kans krege, van mij krege/ krijge ze nu wel een kans

Ge moet u niet proberen goed te praten, jood.
Lol, dit bewijst dus echt dajje ne retard bent, die dr nix van snapt ^^^

vo mij ook ze, ma de sAm zen punt is dat em denkt da acid en lio hackers zijn en dat em da ni fijn vindt da ge die in de line-up/back-up wilt plaatse...
nee :D leert lezen in mijn post ^^
w/e cheaters , cheaterlovers tis allemaal één pot nat
RUSTIG GIJ!!! limburg>
rhand/anaconda/glekko captain imo

spiroze = mentally retarded
ali = :DDD
chizzel = not serious
pietje = :DDD
manko = doesn't know scene
Why doesnt anyone want Al7 , i voted for him :(
you really want bmg to play nc?xD
Thanks for the vote of confidence even if I don't know you.
you do know me :=D
I'm undercover ssst

I am nuNca
hi nunca :)
Status: BANNED
Warning Level: 70 / 100

stfu retard :)
Why would u change Anaconda if they had good results every NC? He does a good job and they get the results. That's the only thing what matters for me and most of the other belgians. Ok, he maybe choses friends and stuff but aslong as the results are there u can't really give criticsm because the team fits well.
You'll get flamed :DDDDDDDDDD (not by me)
I was still editing my post. -_-

Actually I don't play ET anymore for 2 years already so don't care whose captain but I still follow xfire and NC and will watch some matches so aslong as they have good results why not stay with anaconda? Maybe it was more to do with people like vila or lio who don't have a good attitude but I can't say that much about them, I don't know enough about all that stuff ;)
Lio didn't had the best reputation,

but vila, he really fucked it up for belgium (when talking about respect/being hated and shizzle)
It don't criticize the 'friends choices', but the fact that he want to let play some acid and lio in the Belgian line-up, and you know why.
Yea, I don't really know what to think of vila & lio. They probably got a shit character and too much ego + maybe some new faces would be nice. It all depends on who replaces them if they are not in main line-up. If they are good enough then they should take those other 2 players (like Worm or Jere, or are they already in main line-up??), if there are no good replacements I would probably keep them.
There isn't anyone in the line-up yet, first the captain. That's already difficult enough.
Well, that's actually the point. How can u chose a captain if you have no idea who they will put in the line-up. U have to at least base u on a sort of idea which players they will chose in line-up and based on that u can vote for them or not (read: agree with them or not).

I don't really know them that good to know which players they will chose so I can't make a decision.
Anaconda was the last 2 years captain. But was it that difficult? The players just had to practice sometimes and team Belgium would easily get into the quarter finals. Shouldn't it be so much nicer if there is a captain who can put some effort in the team, with new players? It is possible that they'll fail, but if you never give them a chance..
If new players are good enough, surely they should be considered. Players like Worm or Jere and maybe some others I don't know about should get a chance and play some matches so don't get me wrong, I don't want the same players always but aslong as they have very good results it's difficult to say something about it.
I'm all for giving new players a chance if they are good enough.
I can't agree more.
If anaconda choses the same team as last NC's and they don't reach the semi's then you can be sure of it that most people from BE will be in favour of some fresh blood who are motivated and want to practise a lot (so they will vote spiroze) but aslong as they have such a good results (they will vote ana) , u can't really say much.
So I agree with most of your points (also about vila & lio) but aslong as they have the results... U'll have to wait till they fail to add new players and stuff.

(just wanted to add this ^^, i'll stop replying now;) )
No, I don't agree with you anymore. You're telling me now that you prefer skill to future. You would let play lio & acid (eventhough they knew overload was cheating) ???? No, thanks. I don't play ET anymore, but I prefer anti-cheaters to .. (you know)
"Anaconda was the last 2 years captain. But was it that difficult? The players just had to practice sometimes and team Belgium would easily get into the quarter finals."

Yes it was as easy as that!!:D
Well to be honest, I don't think any off the overload players is still playing ET or am I wrong here ? And speaking about Anaconda, if you want to say the a team captain that has reached silver and gold in 2 years off managing a team I would say he has done a damn nice job and wouldn't understand why you would want any change..

And as far for the overload confession, I have only seen vila and xajp make a confession and furtheron haven't seen anything else but thats out of case anyway right now since they quitted playing ET :)
I guess only lio is still playing (with rodcad)
Kevin jetro and zeto are banned.

about acid and lio, i don't have any proof that they actually cheated, only lio tried who tried to login to xajp's hack but coudn't since it needed an auth + password, and vila who got kicked for corrupted memory, and better ask bartichello to see if they (acid + lio + mesq) are allowed. (so no problems like the dispo case happen)
are you actually sure that lio and vila both confessed themselves?
afaik lio didn't. it was zeto.
Only vila and zeto confessed in the newspost, later kevin confessed (and said jetro cheated with him in some 3on3's)

and jetro will NEVER be allowed to play, for reasons that cannot be told in public. He will always cheat now, and i don't care if he says he's not cheating anymore or is sorry, the cheat he is using has earned him a permanent ban.
lio confessed also:o
Quoteafaik i never ever got busted since i never ever hacked before ;) anyway it was indeed kewl to test those hacks a few times, especially against those ' obvious ' opponents.. I can also add that I played a 1v1 cup with those hacks and I can assure you 100% that nakedfish is wh'ing aswell, ill search some demos, maybe ill find some :) he suddenly disconnected after the first round when i said i wanted his demos after him doing some rly obvious actions, offcourse he also saw i was using something illegal, maybe after all it was time for us to say goodbye to this game and go on with our lives,as we actually have been doing already after last ec..

ps: voor je zon dingen gaat zetten doe dan anders eens wat research ofzo idioot :) ik en mesq zijn nooit gebust geweest..
lio confessed.
lio is allowed, dunno and dont care about the rest

acid wont play anymore I guess, so only lan legend lio would maybe take a spot in the belgian lineup
they were bashing bb and mamut. Why don't we ask there demos of mamut and bb when they were getting raped by overload and use wolfcam. Noone can hide wallhack immediatly
I some players but they didn't have their demos :/
they feel to pro to search/give
Well i don't know that much about belgium players and their history but i believe there are plenty of "new" talents there who u can coose instead of these overload guys. And i don't get the point of choosing them, they are nothing without mAus anyway.
There are no new talents in Belgium who can compete on lio+acid's level tbh.
lio's level -> agree
acid's level-> half of the belgian community imo
You underestimate him, but then again you're not the sharpest knife in the drawer so I'll forgive you.
oh plz acid :DD

seriously what will your line-up be in your fantasy ? cause thats what your captainship is ; just a fantasy.
I'll tell you when I'm chosen.
Worm , chizz6l ? I'm sure there are some oldschool players also..
I don't consider Worm as new talent seeing as he raged me already 2 years ago. Putting chizz6l on the same level as lio & acid must be some joke, right?
As i said i don't know much about bel. community and i honestly dont care about personal problems between you and Worm. And about chizz6l well maybe ? But if you want cheatfree lineup then you can try some new players instead of going to old way and getting these overload players like every last year.
chizz6l aint NC material for sure.
If he stopped acting like a retard and plays seriously I think he'd be able to cope.

But since chizz6l can't stop acting like a retard I'd say no.
chizz6l is a pretty decent player if he plays serious. I'm sure he aims better than acid.
Nice aim, yes, but that's all.
He is way better than most of the ppl being pitched for team belgium imo.
And the only advantage lio has over him is EC and NC experience :)

But if chizz6l plays serious and has a good day, he is a great player.
You're far greater.
Thats cuz i play naked!!!!!
Well if you are honest about it, I'm sure belgium can field a good line up with new players but to have a team that is able to win you need certain ingredients and experience might be one of those that is on top of the list.. So honestly, without mAus belgium indeed is nothing but without a person like lio or mesq who have been playing year in year out with team belgium I can't see that line up succeed either, but that is just my opinion then.
You will probably get flamed nothing more...
I know, and if someone flames me it is deserved because its just stupid to still be supporting any of those players but if you are talking about getting results than there can be no doubt that with a player like lio or mesq in your line up you will without a doubt be better than any other player from belgium.
why shouldnt lio and co be allowed to play ?
there will be busted cheaters in another nations aswell i bet 8D
so we have to vote here between Belgium spiroze ( lately inactive so less knowledge of new players to fill the line-up I think ; but he is experienced)

but on the other hand we have Belgium Anaconda ( active , knows a lot of players but imo his captainship has always been symbolic cause actually it were always the overload guys who decided the line-up)

the other captains are a joke
idd, so fuk those 2 and pick someone else !
indeed, let's give the mentally handicapped people a try - how about al?
rather have Rhand as captain !
Isnt it a good thing the players can decide aswell who joins the line-up, and YES i know that you'll say that overload just decided everything, and I'm not saying they didn't

For example: "main line-up": mAus, dAv1d, isen, worm
and then those guys choose the next 3/4 players together with the Captain
I think that a captain always discusses with his members to get 'the perfect' main line-up :D
I'm not sure about that, I think some captain have like one guy they decide the whole line-up with (ofc I cant know this shit, but I just think this might be)
we want chizz6l!!!!
just vote for me!! i got the best line up!

ps: ga studere janet
QuoteBelgian players, it is also a chance to change the Belgian reputation, of being assholes, flamers and big whiners.

so true!
chizz6l for captain be
and blizz for team austria!!!!
I dont have anything against anaconda or spiroze, but simple said, the other applicants arent fit for the job!

I think anaconda did a great job last 2 NC's, lio is a nice guy who isnt banned, so i dont see any reason why he shouldnt be allowed to play.

This thing is going too far.. Whatever the outcome may be, i think both of them would do a good job.

But holding a grudge against lio/acid imo doesnt have anything to do with the fact that everyone is confused about overload!(weather they cheated or not) The thing is LIO isnt banned, afaik acid isnt either.
IMO some guys dont wanna play with lio/acid cause they are complete morons and totally retarded, the case with overload just gives something more to take this stand!

Everybodys opinion has to be respected!
So journals like this are totally irrelevent so delete it, retard.
Quote by ISENEverybodys opinion has to be respected! ;
So journals like this are totally irrelevent so delete it, retard.

Contradictio in terminus?
you are forcing people your opinion! different!
I'm not forcing, I'm telling them the truth! They have to know what's going on.
I think anaconda did a great job last 2 NC's, lio is a nice guy who isnt banned, so i dont see any reason why he shouldnt be allowed to play.

hmm so you can play with cheaters that are nice guys but you can't play with cheaters that aren't. hmm I think I am going to play with some oldskool nC friends?

brains, you have it

you were also saying that slajdan didn't cheat and believing him, funny
neither of them are banned, the nice guy: sarcasm!
I tihnk the point that he is making is rather that there isn't any solid proof towards people like lio rather than playing with cheaters so your resemblence with nc friends is abit misplaced here.
but noone of the killerlist fusenlist etc are solid proof, so why can just keep playing with them? lio said already that he was cheating to? why don't believe him? :D I don't think he will lie about that
well thing is, lets maybe first see if any of the overload players even still _want_ to play for the belgian team and then maybe start whining because I doubt any off them is up to playing a whole other season _again_
lio wants to play, atleast from what I hear, and probably acid to
no, i actually mean that they are retarded! but they know this! good thing i dont know you! ;) WINK art1stio
Well, 1/3 of your buddylist had a cheating history so i guess you do it already.
a part from lio, no one of overload isn't playing anymore so why so much whine
yes, u have now told 3 times in this post that lio is playing with rodcad, u can suck hes cock but dont tell it anyone else anymore, PLS.
cry me a river stalker

fanta replied to your comment Crossfire 3 Jan 09, 15:34
fanta replied to your comment Crossfire 3 Jan 09, 15:34
fanta replied to your comment Crossfire 3 Jan 09, 15:28
at least my tounge isnt brown
I just want to see which team the captains are considering. Some players will definately get a spot for Anaconda or Spiroze so plz tell me which players in the team are already sure of a spot in your team and who will get a (decent) chance in team-be. Otherwise, on what do I have to base myself to chose between them?? I don't know them that good to know which one will make the best choices.

So tell me the (main) line-ups (more or less) the captains will chose...
mAus, dAv1d, Isen, Worm

(+ Jere?, Lazio?, ...)

just a random guess
brb, cheating
You want belgium to be even more hated?

You want belgium to fail epicly in the NC?

You want belgium's ET scene to die?

Vote p!etje!
i will do the trick! + i got the best lineup you have ever seen :)
AnaLconda all the way!
looks like team France
age geen vloms kost klappe (of type) zouek joen mulle houe aja ;)
das ook toevallig, pietje die fars doet opt internet
internet serious business!
so if they knew about the crime and didnt tell any1 they are partners in crime which gives you 5-10 years in jail = 1year ban imho!

killing someone gives you a life sentence ( 30 years? ) = playing with cheats

partners in crime gives you 5-10 years = 1/6 or 1/3 of what real cheaters get so 4 months or 2 months ban

looking at how you are putting things together

The punnisment is varying from country to country =D
well lets hope then from now they will give life sentence for every crime you commit!
Rofl. Care.

Sorry to say, but ana vs spiroze is like ronner vs nzz or something? :p
spiroze or rhand dont really care.
voted for rhand
iz 4 rhand
Belgium sPIROZE for president!
The whole FF team was excluded from CF Nationscup for playing with a cheater. Same should count for the former Overload team.
Everyone should just wait until the results are made public. Than, if Anaconda got chosen as captain, let the players who are asked to play for Belgium decide if they want to participate in a team with players like lio and acid.
no cheaters for be this time pls!
Flashy,tetsuo,fostrum 4 team be or other beltards, anyway just do some try outs :D
tetsuo, fostrum +1
I dont get it.
Why wont you want them to play when some (old) etbot customers like vanq can still play withuout any prob ?
You cant have a double speed policy. Else if all the guys busted are banned, i cant see any prob with them playing since they performed well at every lan.
Yves Leterme for team BE captain
nice post :)
I don't want to be Belgian :<
Kzallekik daar is gon pwne ze
alex sandwich!
I always thought that kevin is one of the best players but I guess I was wrong :(
gogo BelgiumspiROZE <3
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